Sabtu, 30 November 2013
Tiga Celah Kapitalisme Masuk Indonesia Melalui Agen Neo Liberal
"Tiga Celah Kapitalisme Masuk Indonesia Melalui Agen Neo Liberal"
Menutupi Aurat Atau Membalut Aurat,
"Menutupi Aurat Atau Membalut Aurat,"
Foto kegigihan Jabhah Nushrah dalam pertempuran menghadang pasukan Nushairiyah di front-front Aleppo
Check out @arrahmah's Tweet:
Terbit telegram rahasia, patgulipat kelompok anti jilbab di tubuh Polri
Check out @arrahmah's Tweet:
Church Of England Proposes Gay Marriage 'Blessings'
"Church Of England Proposes Gay Marriage 'Blessings'"
Pengungsi Muslim Rohingya Hadapi Kehidupan yang Keras di India
"Pengungsi Muslim Rohingya Hadapi Kehidupan yang Keras di India"
Muslimah Mesir Berjuang Dibalik Jeruji Besi
"Muslimah Mesir Berjuang Dibalik Jeruji Besi"
Kontroversi Pelarangan Jilbab Dari Telegram Rahasia Oegroseno
"Kontroversi Pelarangan Jilbab Dari Telegram Rahasia Oegroseno"
Kisah Ibu yang Sangat Gembira Anaknya Gugur Sebagai Syahid
"Kisah Ibu yang Sangat Gembira Anaknya Gugur Sebagai Syahid"
Sexual violence in parts of UK is 'as bad as in warzones'
"Sexual violence in parts of UK is 'as bad as in warzones'"
Geneva II: Anyone who participates is an agent of the West and a traitor to the Muslims - Syria
"Geneva II: Anyone who participates is an agent of the West and a traitor to the Muslims"
Dr. Arim Nasim: Rakyat Dizalimi Melalui APBN
"Dr. Arim Nasim: Rakyat Dizalimi Melalui APBN"
RAPBN 2014 Makin Kapitalis dan Memeras Rakyat
"RAPBN 2014 Makin Kapitalis dan Memeras Rakyat"
Penerapan Islam Secara Bertahap, Bolehkah?
"Penerapan Islam Secara Bertahap, Bolehkah?"
Militer Amerika ketahuan gunakan software bajakan
"Militer Amerika ketahuan gunakan software bajakan"
Ironis, pemerintah Amerika langgar UU yang dibuatnya sendiri
"Ironis, pemerintah Amerika langgar UU yang dibuatnya sendiri"
Singapore does not comment on intelligence matters: Shanmugam
"Singapore does not comment on intelligence matters: Shanmugam"
1,000 Rohingyas stage protest in Malaysia
"1,000 Rohingyas stage protest in Malaysia"
Obama to Unveil National Security Strategy in 2014
"Obama to Unveil National Security Strategy in 2014"
Anomali UIN JAKARTA: Injil dibiarkan, Buletin Al Islam dicegat?
"Anomali UIN JAKARTA: Injil dibiarkan, Buletin Al Islam dicegat?"
1000 VCD Dakwah Ustadz Abu Bakar Baasyir ludes dalam 10 menit!
"1000 VCD Dakwah Ustadz Abu Bakar Baasyir ludes dalam 10 menit!"
Jebreet, Injil Bebas 'Menjebol' Kampus UIN Jakarta!
"Jebreet, Injil Bebas 'Menjebol' Kampus UIN Jakarta!"
9 Ribu Umat Islam Minangkabau Sepakat Tolak Lippo & Siloam
"9 Ribu Umat Islam Minangkabau Sepakat Tolak Lippo & Siloam"
Mustofa : Soal Jilbab Polwan, Polri Jangan Permainkan Umat Islam
"Mustofa : Soal Jilbab Polwan, Polri Jangan Permainkan Umat Islam"
Bocah #Rohingya Gugur di Tangan Dokter Budha Setelah Berikan Racun
"Bocah Rohingya Gugur di Tangan Dokter Budha Setelah Berikan Racun"
Perintah Copot Jilbab Polwan Blunder dan Lukai Perasaan Umat
"Perintah Copot Jilbab Polwan Blunder dan Lukai Perasaan Umat"
Bunuh Diri Tentara Kanada Veteran Afghanistan Mulai Mengkhawatirkan
"Bunuh Diri Tentara Kanada Veteran Afghanistan Mulai Mengkhawatirkan"
Bantah Pemerintah, Aktivis HAM Akui Adanya Larangan Islam di Angola
"Bantah Pemerintah, Aktivis HAM Akui Adanya Larangan Islam di Angola"
Demonstrasi Tolak Serangan Drone AS Semakin Meluas di Pakistan
"Demonstrasi Tolak Serangan Drone AS Semakin Meluas di Pakistan"
Amnesty International: “Bebaskan Semua Demonstran Perempuan Mesir”
"Amnesty International: “Bebaskan Semua Demonstran Perempuan Mesir”"
HTI : Seks Bebas Adalah Musuh Bersama, Tolak Pembagian Kondom!
"HTI: Seks Bebas Adalah Musuh Bersama, Tolak Pembagian Kondom!"
Gema Pembebasan: “Injil boleh disebarkan Buletin al-Islam Malah dilarang”
"Gema Pembebasan: “Injil boleh disebarkan Buletin al-Islam Malah dilarang”"
HTI Medan Johor dan Warga Sumut Peduli Pengungsi Sinabung Di Tanah Karo
"HTI Medan Johor dan Warga Sumut Peduli Pengungsi Sinabung Di Tanah Karo"
Biospesimen : Aspek Kepemilikan dan Pemanfaatan Serta Hak Patennya Menurut Hukum Islam
"Biospesimen : Aspek Kepemilikan dan Pemanfaatan Serta Hak Patennya Menurut Hukum Islam*"
Badan Intelejen AS, NSA Memata-matai Penggunaan Pornografi dan Pergaulan Bebas Online Diantara Muslim Radikal
"Badan Intelejen AS, NSA Memata-matai Penggunaan Pornografi dan Pergaulan Bebas Online Diantara Muslim Radikal"
Pakistan's new COAS and the Challenges Ahead - #Pakistan
"Pakistan's new COAS and the Challenges Ahead"
Karimov's Bloodthirsty Regime quenches itself on the Blood of Muslims!
"Karimov's Bloodthirsty Regime quenches itself on the Blood of Muslims!"
Hizb ut Tahrir is a Political Party Whose Ideology is Islam
"Hizb ut Tahrir is a Political Party Whose Ideology is Islam"
Jumat, 29 November 2013
Polri Sebarkan Telegram Agar Polwan Kembali Lepas Jilbab
"Polri Sebarkan Telegram Agar Polwan Kembali Lepas Jilbab"
[FOTO] Temu Tokoh dan Konferensi Pers Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia kecam Penyadapan
"[FOTO] Temu Tokoh dan Konferensi Pers Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia kecam Penyadapan"
Bachtiar Chamsah: “Peringatan HTI tentang Kedubes Asing Benar”
"Bachtiar Chamsah: “Peringatan HTI tentang Kedubes Asing Benar”"
Mengerikan! 1,8 Juta Anak Indonesia Putus Sekolah/Tahun
"Mengerikan! 1,8 Juta Anak Indonesia Putus Sekolah/Tahun"
Tanjunguncang Rusuh, Sejumlah Kendaraan Dibakar - Batam
"Tanjunguncang Rusuh, Sejumlah Kendaraan Dibakar"
7.000 Umat Islam Sumatera Barat tolak Pemurtadan
"7.000 Umat Islam Sumatera Barat tolak Pemurtadan"
Iran shakes up foundation controlled by Ayatollah's business empire
"Iran shakes up foundation controlled by Ayatollah's business empire"
Kamis, 28 November 2013
Sayangkan Stigma Teroris, Ketua #PBNU: “Semua Muslim Ingin Tegakkan Syariat”
"Sayangkan Stigma Teroris, Ketua PBNU: “Semua Muslim Ingin Tegakkan Syari’at”"
When the power or authority comes in the hands of unfit persons, then wait for the Hour
"When the power or authority comes in the hands of unfit persons, then wait for the Hour"
Foto dari Suriah: Umat Islam Inginkan Khilafah
"Foto dari Suriah: Umat Islam Inginkan Khilafah"
France reaffirms limits on Muslim headscarves, veils
"France reaffirms limits on Muslim headscarves, veils"
Obama Discusses Iran Deal With Saudi Arabia's King
"Obama Discusses Iran Deal With Saudi Arabia's King"
Front Islam: Tujuan Kami Adalah Mendirikan Negara Islami Di Suriah
"Front Islam: Tujuan Kami Adalah Mendirikan Negara Islami Di Suriah"
Tentara Pembebasan Suriah Menolak Untuk Terlibat Dalam Konferensi Jenewa 2
"Tentara Pembebasan Suriah Menolak Untuk Terlibat Dalam Konferensi Jenewa 2"
Israel Membuka Museum Baru di Bawah Masjid Al – Aqsa
"Israel Membuka Museum Baru di Bawah Masjid Al – Aqsa"
Sexual violence in parts of UK ‘as bad as in warzones’
"Sexual violence in parts of UK ‘as bad as in warzones’"
One in 10 women have been forced into sex against their will, Lancet study says
"One in 10 women have been forced into sex against their will, Lancet study says"
Porno Britain: Are we all to blame for child-on-child sex abuse?
"Porno Britain: Are we all to blame for child-on-child sex abuse?"
Q&A: Using the metaphorical meaning of words in Qur'an
"Q&A: Using the metaphorical meaning of words in Qur'an"
Federalism is a Project that Destroys the Unity of the Ummah - Libya
"Federalism is a Project that Destroys the Unity of the Ummah"
Iran is the Real Loser in the Interim Nuclear Deal
"Iran is the Real Loser in the Interim Nuclear Deal"
Rabu, 27 November 2013
Snowden pegang kunci pihak yang terlibat dalam skandal NSA
"Snowden pegang kunci pihak yang terlibat dalam skandal NSA"
Menanti ketegasan Tifatul terhadap Singtel dan Indosat
"Menanti ketegasan Tifatul terhadap Singtel dan Indosat"
Australia PM welcomes conciliatory Indonesia
"Australia PM welcomes conciliatory Indonesia"
Perpecahan antara Tentara #Syiah Iran dan Suriah Mulai Muncul
"Perpecahan antara Tentara Syi'ah Iran dan Suriah Mulai Muncul"
The Ruling System in Islam is the Khilafah System Obliged by the Lord of the Worlds; It is Not a Republican or Democratic System
"The Ruling System in Islam is the Khilafah System Obliged by the Lord of the Worlds; It is Not a Republican or Democratic System"
Tyrannical regime imprisons five shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir on false allegations that they were preparing to seize power in Russia by force
"Tyrannical regime imprisons five shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir on false allegations that they were preparing to seize power in Russia by force"
Selasa, 26 November 2013
Surat Kabar Amerika: Washington Merestui Pembantaian Ghouta di Suriah
"Surat Kabar Amerika: Washington Merestui Pembantaian Ghouta di Suriah"
Inilah Tiga Penyebab Aset Strategis Dikuasai Asing
"Inilah Tiga Penyebab Aset Strategis Dikuasai Asing"
Analisa M.C. Ricklefs Tentang Makin Pudarnya Kaum Abangan di Jawa
"Analisa M.C. Ricklefs Tentang Makin Pudarnya Kaum Abangan di Jawa"
#France 'to send extra troops' to CAR
"France 'to send extra troops' to CAR"
Himbauan Koordinator Aksi Massa Menolak Kristenisasi di Padang
"Himbauan Koordinator Aksi Massa Menolak Kristenisasi di Padang"
Pekan Kondom Nasional & Legalisasi Seks Bebas Harus Ditindak
"Pekan Kondom Nasional & Legalisasi Seks Bebas Harus Ditindak"
Warga Afghan Kembali Demo Kesepakatan Keamanan dengan AS
"Warga Afghan Kembali Demo Kesepakatan Keamanan dengan AS"
Hamas: Otoritas Palestina Memata-matai Negara-negara Arab Untuk Kepentingan Penjajah
"Hamas: Otoritas Palestina Memata-matai Negara-negara Arab Untuk Kepentingan Penjajah"
VIDEO: Response to the criminal imprisonment of Natalya Voytenkova by the Kazakh Regime
"VIDEO: Response to the criminal imprisonment of Natalya Voytenkova by the Kazakh Regime"
Afghan's Loya Jirga is equivalent to Qureysh's Dar-ul-Nadwa
"Afghan's Loya Jirga is equivalent to Qureysh's Dar-ul-Nadwa"
Q&A: The Ruling on dealing with Islamic Banks specifically the Issue of Profit Sales (murabaha)
"Q&A: The Ruling on dealing with Islamic Banks specifically the Issue of Profit Sales (murabaha)"
Senin, 25 November 2013
Ribuan Warga Minangkabau Bersatu Tolak Superblok Lippo Siloam
"Ribuan Warga Minangkabau Bersatu Tolak Superblok Lippo Siloam"
Petugas Israel Kunjungi Arab Saudi Diam-diam
"Petugas Israel Kunjungi Arab Saudi Diam-diam"
Singapura Turut Bantu Australia Sadap Indonesia
"Singapura Turut Bantu Australia Sadap Indonesia"
Begini Peran Singapura dalam Penyadapan Australia
"Begini Peran Singapura dalam Penyadapan Australia"
Ribuan Warga Pakistan Blokir Jalur Suplai NATO
"Ribuan Warga Pakistan Blokir Jalur Suplai NATO"
Al Qaeda advancing, 1 town at a time - #Syria
"Al Qaeda advancing, 1 town at a time"
VIDEO: #Syria children 'targeted by snipers'
"VIDEO: Syria children 'targeted by snipers'"
US Politicians Exploit Afghan Women's Rights Yet Again as a Tool to Justify Continued Occupation of the Country
"US Politicians Exploit Afghan Women's Rights Yet Again as a Tool to Justify Continued Occupation of the Country"
Letter from Tagir Minibaev from Russia about his experience with the FSS officers cornering the oppression of Islam and the Muslims
"Letter from Tagir Minibaev from Russia about his experience with the FSS officers cornering the oppression of Islam and the Muslims"
Konferensi Hizbut Tahrir di Australia Menggoncang Media dan Politik
"Konferensi Hizbut Tahrir di Australia Menggoncang Media dan Politik"
Benarkah Presiden SBY Mendukung Ekonomi Syariah?
"Benarkah Presiden SBY Mendukung Ekonomi Syariah ?"
Protes Penyadapan Australia, HTI: “Tutup Kedubes Australia”
"Protes Penyadapan Australia, HTI: “Tutup Kedubes Australia”"
Moskow: Karena Gereja Sepi, Dilarang Bangun Masjid
"Moskow: Karena Gereja Sepi, Dilarang Bangun Masjid"
Jihad dalam Perspektif Hizbut Tahrir
"Jihad dalam Perspektif Hizbut Tahrir"
Minggu, 24 November 2013
Hadits Lemah: “Hampir-Hampir Kemiskinan Itu Menjadi Kekafiran”
"Hadits Lemah: “Hampir-Hampir Kemiskinan Itu Menjadi Kekafiran”"
Q&A: How to Achieve Reconciliation and Reform in Egypt?
"Q&A: How to Achieve Reconciliation and Reform in Egypt?"
Hizbut Tahrir Australia : Memata-matai Indonesia Tindakan Permusuhan
"Hizbut Tahrir Australia : Memata-matai Indonesia Tindakan Permusuhan"
Indonesia official to let boats go to Australia
"Indonesia official to let boats go to Australia"
Australia's reputation in Indonesia hits new low
"Australia's reputation in Indonesia hits new low"
Mujahidin Jabhah An-Nusrah Kuasai Ladang Minyak Utama Assad
"Mujahidin Jabhah An-Nusrah Kuasai Ladang Minyak Utama Assad"
Behold the beauty and perfection of a one single snowflake which cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet:
#Syria : Those walls that have always been his sweet home, now they became a cemetery for his beloved family
Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet:
#Syria : #Geneva 2 is a conference of those who want the longevity of the baathist murderous regime to continue.
Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet:
#Egypt's #Sisi and cohorts give powers to quell protests, nothing has changed the Mubarak days are back as though.
Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet:
Asalamualaikum brothers and sisters, Is the Malala story only about education? Or is it deeper than that?
Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet:
Thousands block NATO convoy route to protest US drone strikes in Pakistan
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
#NSA hacked over 50,000 computer networks worldwide - report
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
Sabtu, 23 November 2013
Imran Khan – A New Jockey for America's Horse, Democracy
"Imran Khan – A New Jockey for America's Horse, Democracy"
Q&A: The Divine Reason ('Illa) of Alcohol (Khamr) and its Prohibition
"Q&A: The Divine Reason ('Illa) of Alcohol (Khamr) and its Prohibition"
Enam Faksi Pejuang Islamis Terbesar Suriah Bentuk Front Baru
"Enam Faksi Pejuang Islamis Terbesar Suriah Bentuk Front Baru"
Warga Afghanistan Terus Demo Tolak Kesepakatan Keamanan dengan AS
"Warga Afghanistan Terus Demo Tolak Kesepakatan Keamanan dengan AS"
Spy row: Now beef trade in danger - Australia
"Spy row: Now beef trade in danger"
Safety scare for Children's Panadol
"Safety scare for Children's Panadol"
Powerful Syrian Rebel Groups Merge Against Assad
"Powerful Syrian Rebel Groups Merge Against Assad"
Serangan Pembunuhan Pesawat Tanpa Awak AS Hantam Timur Yaman
"Serangan Pembunuhan Pesawat Tanpa Awak AS Hantam Timur Yaman"
Jumat, 22 November 2013
Spy row: Indonesia calls for reprisals - Australia
"Spy row: Indonesia calls for reprisals"
Thai govt considering extending ISA
"Thai govt considering extending ISA"
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Blasts Kerry Comments
"Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Blasts Kerry Comments"
Iraqi Shiite Group Claims Shelling Saudi Border
"Iraqi Shiite Group Claims Shelling Saudi Border"
Karzai agree's for Afghanistan to become America's 51st state through the deal, known as the Bilateral Security...
Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet:
Digging in: Why US won’t leave Afghanistan (Pepe Ecobar's Op-Edge)
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Protes Penyadapan Australia : “Tutup Kedubes Australia”
"Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Protes Penyadapan Australia: “Tutup Kedubes Australia”"
HTI pertanyakan respon SBY kepada Australia, marah atau cemburu?
"HTI pertanyakan respon SBY kepada Australia, marah atau cemburu?"
Evolution debate again engulfs Texas Board of Ed.
"Evolution debate again engulfs Texas Board of Ed."
China Needs More Kids, Especially Girls
"China Needs More Kids, Especially Girls"
Indonesia, Australia spy claim tension spreads to corporate world
"Indonesia, Australia spy claim tension spreads to corporate world"
US Eyes Increase in Arctic Operations
"US Eyes Increase in Arctic Operations"
Spying Furor Exposes Indonesia- #Australia Relations
"Spying Furor Exposes Indonesia-Australia Relations"
Obama , Morocco's King to Meet at White House
"Obama, Morocco's King to Meet at White House"
Di Malaysia, Ulama Jadikan Khutbah Jum’at untuk Jelaskan Bahaya Syiah
"Di Malaysia, Ulama Jadikan Khutbah Jum’at untuk Jelaskan Bahaya Syiah"
Answer to the Question: Regarding the Divine Reason (‘Illa) of Alcohol (Khamr) and its Prohibition
Check out @ataabualrashtah's Tweet:
The Answer to the Question : The Problems in the Chinese Economy
Check out @ataabualrashtah's Tweet:
Answer to the Question: Regarding the Divine Reason (‘Illa) of Alcohol (Khamr) and its Prohibition
Check out @ataabualrashtah's Tweet:
More Americans Say Doctors Should Do Everything Possible To Keep Patients Alive
"More Americans Say Doctors Should Do Everything Possible To Keep Patients Alive"
US Wants Afghan Pact Signed Before Afghan Election
"US Wants Afghan Pact Signed Before Afghan Election"
Kamis, 21 November 2013
Energy companies 'making £650m a year from billing errors
"Energy companies 'making £650m a year from billing errors'"
UK actions in Iraq and Afghanistan wars were incoherent, report says
"UK actions in Iraq and Afghanistan wars were incoherent, report says"
Hamid Karzai urges Afghans to let US forces stay another decade
"Hamid Karzai urges Afghans to let US forces stay another decade"
John Kerry tries to mend rift with Egypt by criticising Muslim Brotherhood
"John Kerry tries to mend rift with Egypt by criticising Muslim Brotherhood"
Iraq car bomb kills 30 as year's death toll tops 5,800
"Iraq car bomb kills 30 as year's death toll tops 5,800"
Myanmar rejects UN Rohingya citizenship appeal
"Myanmar rejects UN Rohingya citizenship appeal"
Astaghfirullah, KPAN Akan Selenggarakan Pekan Kondom
"Astaghfirullah, KPAN Akan Selenggarakan Pekan Kondom"
US wants troops in Afghanistan permanently, treats it as colony
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
Up to 15,000 foreign troops could stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014
"Up to 15,000 foreign troops could stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014"
Pelajaran dari Kisah Juraij dan Bayi yang Bisa Berbicara
"Pelajaran dari Kisah Juraij dan Bayi yang Bisa Berbicara"
Syria : "Do not give up and do not be downhearted. You shall be uppermost if you are believers.
"SYRIA: "Do not give up and do not be downhearted. You shall be uppermost if you are believers.""
Q&A: When the Khilafah is first established how will we rule by Islam?
"Q&A: When the Khilafah is first established how will we rule by Islam?"
Muslims Count their Dead over Muharram, yet the Kayani-Sharif Regime Ignores the Criminal American Presence - Pakistan
"Muslims Count their Dead over Muharram, yet the Kayani-Sharif Regime Ignores the Criminal American Presence"
The Answer to the Question: Regarding al-Sham and Its Revolution
Check out @ataabualrashtah's Tweet:
Kerry: Deal Keeps U.S. Troops in Afghanistan
"Kerry: Deal Keeps U.S. Troops in Afghanistan"
Analysis: #Saudi labor crackdown promises long-term gain for short-term pain
"Analysis: Saudi labor crackdown promises long-term gain for short-term pain"
Student shot dead at a Cairo university protest
"Student shot dead at a Cairo university protest"
Saudi Arabia announces new MERS death
"Saudi Arabia announces new MERS death"
Obama to pay delayed visit to Asia in April
"Obama to pay delayed visit to Asia in April"
US, #Afghanistan agree on post-2014 troop deal
"US, Afghanistan agree on post-2014 troop deal"
No apology in U.S.- #Afghanistan deal
"No apology in U.S.-Afghanistan deal"
Afghan-US security deal 'finalised'" - #Afghanistan
"Afghan-US security deal 'finalised'"
Briton in #Syria fights with al-Qaeda
"Briton in Syria fights with al-Qaeda"
Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Sudan Hosts a Seminar in the City of al-Shuwak on the Hijrah
"Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Sudan Hosts a Seminar in the City of al-Shuwak on the Hijrah"
Soaring UK personal debt wreaking havoc with mental health, report warns
"Soaring UK personal debt wreaking havoc with mental health, report warns"
Beirut suicide blasts raise tensions in Lebanon as Sunni militants target Iran
"Beirut suicide blasts raise tensions in Lebanon as Sunni militants target Iran"
Rabu, 20 November 2013
Tak Sepantasnya Lembek di depan Australia
"Tuan Presiden, Begini Cara Islam Menghadapi Penyadapan"
Italy PM: Gov't Communications Not Compromised
"Italy PM: Gov't Communications Not Compromised"
Indonesia "downgrading" Australia ties amid spying row
"Indonesia "downgrading" Australia ties amid spying row"
Chechens drawn south to fight against Syria's Assad
"Chechens drawn south to fight against Syria's Assad"
Susan Rice: No need for US to apologize to Afghanistan for war, impact on civilians. Quite the contrary
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
War of words: spy spat escalates - Australia
"War of words: spy spat escalates"
Syria talks should focus on fighting 'terrorists': Russia
"Syria talks should focus on fighting 'terrorists': Russia"
Afghans say deal agreed with U.S. for Obama to acknowledge war 'mistakes'
"Afghans say deal agreed with U.S. for Obama to acknowledge war 'mistakes'"
Exclusive: Syria's chemical weapons may be destroyed at sea - sources
"Exclusive: Syria's chemical weapons may be destroyed at sea - sources"
Secret U.S. court approved wider NSA spying even after finding excesses
"Secret U.S. court approved wider NSA spying even after finding excesses"
Typhoon wiped out one-third of Philippines' rice crop
"Typhoon wiped out one-third of Philippines' rice crop"
Egypt police storm Tahrir Square to disperse protesters
"Egypt police storm Tahrir Square to disperse protesters"
Saudi deports 60,000 foreigners in crackdown on illegal workers
"Saudi deports 60,000 foreigners in crackdown on illegal workers"
Selasa, 19 November 2013
VIDEO: The Origins of Atheism by Dr. Mohammed Malkawi
"VIDEO: The Origins of Atheism by Dr. Mohammed Malkawi"
Kaum Muslim #Rohingya Tidak Butuh Sekedar Tetesan Air Mata!
"Kaum Muslim Rohingya Tidak Butuh Sekedar Tetesan Air Mata!"
[FOTO] Lembaga Dakwah Sekolah (LDS) Bandung Kajian Islam di Balaikota Bandung
"[FOTO] Lembaga Dakwah Sekolah (LDS) Bandung Kajian Islam di Balaikota Bandung"
America is pushing the Russians to Improve the Image of the New Regime and Stabilize the American Foothold in Egypt
"America is pushing the Russians to Improve the Image of the New Regime and Stabilize the American Foothold in Egypt"
The East African Community (EAC) was Dead Before its Birth
"The East African Community (EAC) was Dead Before its Birth"
Air Mata Bahagia di Patani “..Alhamdulillah, saya bahagia, mereka syahid..Tolong pesan ini ke Indonesia…”
"Air Mata Bahagia di Patani “..Alhamdulillah, saya bahagia, mereka syahid..Tolong pesan ini ke Indonesia…”"
Answer to the Question: Regarding the Reality of Institutions working to serve the Nation State (Translated)
Check out @ataabualrashtah's Tweet:
Merkel demands clarity on #NSA’s role in Germany
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
Why spy? We just don't trust Jakarta
"Why spy? We just don't trust Jakarta"
Canberra doesn't trust Jakarta |
"Canberra doesn't trust Jakarta |"
Last British resident in Guantánamo Bay: we are treated like animals
"Last British resident in Guantánamo Bay: we are treated like animals"
US to keep Patriot missiles in Turkey for another year
"US to keep Patriot missiles in Turkey for another year"
No apology to Indonesia from Australia
"No apology to Indonesia from Australia PM"
Aides: US-Afghan Deal Offers Concessions for Each
"Aides: US-Afghan Deal Offers Concessions for Each"
Senin, 18 November 2013
Oh People! Demand from the Sincere Officers in the Military to Overthrow the Awami-BNP Ruling Regime and Establish #Khilafah
"Oh People! Demand from the Sincere Officers in the Military to Overthrow the Awami-BNP Ruling Regime and Establish Khilafah"
Bashar Al Asaad Sewa Jasa Tentara Bayaran Dari Rusia
"Bashar Al Asaad Sewa Jasa Tentara Bayaran Dari Rusia"
Ater kneeling to appease the US, the Syrian Coalition totally submits, bowing to the feet of Ford
"Ater kneeling to appease the US, the Syrian Coalition totally submits, bowing to the feet of Ford."
In #Syria do not repeat the mistakes you made in the past with Iraq. Fear Allah and do not fear the oppressors
"In Syria do not repeat the mistakes you made in the past with Iraq. Fear Allah and do not fear the oppressors"
Govt. intervention in Muslim community | Report
"Govt. intervention in Muslim community | Report"
Islamic convention rejects government intervention in Muslim community - Australia
"Islamic convention rejects government intervention in Muslim community"
18 November Muhammadiyah Meluncurkan TvMU
"18 November Muhammadiyah Meluncurkan TvMU"
Pelajar Indonesia syahid Melawan Kekejaman #Syiah Rafidhah Dammaj
"Pelajar Indonesia syahid Melawan Kekejaman Syi'ah Rafidhah Dammaj"
Sebanyak 31 Tentara Suriah Termasuk 4 Jenderal Tewas di Damaskus
"Sebanyak 31 Tentara Suriah Termasuk 4 Jenderal Tewas di Damaskus"
Setiap Hari Warga Muslim di Pattani Ditembak Tentara Thailand
"“Setiap Hari Warga Muslim di Pattani Ditembak Tentara Thailand”"
Minggu, 17 November 2013
Tanda-tanda kiamat
"Asap, Dajjal, Binatang, dan Terbit Matahari dari Tempat Tenggelamnya"
Rahasia Diamnya Barat Atas Kejahatan Rezim Kudeta di Mesir
"Rahasia Diamnya Barat Atas Kejahatan Rezim Kudeta di Mesir"
Sabtu, 16 November 2013
Tindakan Keras Saudi Terhadap Pekerja Asing
"Tindakan Keras Saudi Terhadap Pekerja Asing Membuat Banyak Toko Tutup dan Menimbulkan Kekhawatiran"
Mencari Hadits Dan Sanadnya Dengan Bantuan Islamweb.Net
"Mencari Hadits Dan Sanadnya Dengan Bantuan Islamweb.Net"
Menuntut Pengusiran AS dari Indonesia
"1000 Peserta Aksi Surabaya Menuntut Pengusiran AS dari Indonesia"
Kisah Menakjubkan Ummu Sulaim Saat Ditinggal Mati Anaknya
"Kisah Menakjubkan Ummu Sulaim Saat Ditinggal Mati Anaknya"
Press Statement | Intervention in Muslim community report launch
"Press Statement | Intervention in Muslim community report launch"
Jumat, 15 November 2013
China to Abolish Labor Camps, Ease 1-Child Policy
"China to Abolish Labor Camps, Ease 1-Child Policy"
Hukum Islam Seputar Suap dan Hadiah Kepada Pegawai
"Hukum Islam Seputar Suap dan Hadiah Kepada Pegawai"
Five Palestinian children injured after Israeli settlers set fire to their home
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
Israel returns fire on Gaza following reports of IDF intrusion
Check out @RT_com's Tweet:
Lima Anak Palestina Tewas Setelah Rumahnya Dibakar Yahudi
"Lima Anak Palestina Tewas Setelah Rumahnya Dibakar Yahudi"
Daily Telegraph Inggris: Rusia Bersiap Bangun Pangkalan Militer Di Mesir
"Daily Telegraph Inggris: Rusia Bersiap Bangun Pangkalan Militer Di Mesir"
Aung San Suu Kyi dan Islamofobia Umat Budha
Oleh Maung Zarni
Aung San Suu Kyi, salah satu ikon HAM, non-kekerasan dan rekonsiliasi paling terkenal di dunia saat ini, melakukan hal yang tidak bisa diterima dengan memasuki dunia Islamophobia umat “Budha” Myanmar. Dengan memperkeruh suasana, pada program unggulan BBC Radio Four, “Today”, dia menunjukkan menunjukkan sifat perlakuan kekerasan yang terorganisir dan kampanye kebencian ala Nazi saat ini yang dilakukan oleh rekan-rekan Buddhisnya – baik masyarakat awam maupun para biksu – sebagai kekerasan yang sama-sama dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak, dengan mengklaim bahwa kaum Buddha Burma hidup dalam ketakutan yang dirasakan atas bangkitnya kekuatan Islam yang besar di seluruh dunia.
Arafat Diracun dan Israel yang Membunuhnya, Namun Apa Yang Bisa Kita Lakukan?
Oleh Abdel Bari Atwan
Ada tiga negara di dunia yang memiliki polonium radioaktif yang digunakan untuk membunuh Presiden Palestina Yasser Arafat: Amerika Serikat, Rusia dan Israel. Kedua negara adidaya itu tidak punya manfaat langsung untuk melakukan kejahatan perang ini. Jadi, dugaan mengarah pada Israel, negara yang memiliki spesialisasi dalam menjalankan operasi pembunuhan terhadap orang-orang Arab, Palestina dan para utusan internasional selama 60 tahun terakhir, sejak awal pendudukan Palestina.
Syrian National Coalition bows down to the US Ambassador"
"Syrian National Coalition bows down to the US Ambassador"
Pakistan's Armed Forces Must Secure the Return of the Khilafah
"Pakistan's Armed Forces Must Secure the Return of the Khilafah, Fearing only Allah"
Kamis, 14 November 2013
Wakil Intelejen Mesir: Kami Telah Lama Menjalin Kerjasama Keamanan Dengan Israel
"Wakil Intelejen Mesir: Kami Telah Lama Menjalin Kerjasama Keamanan Dengan Israel"
Militer Israel Hancurkan Puluhan Pohon Zaitun Siap Panen Milik Warga Palestina
"Militer Israel Hancurkan Puluhan Pohon Zaitun Siap Panen Milik Warga Palestina"
Tiga Tingkatan Takwa
قَالَ اِبْنُ القَيِّمُ رَحِمَهُ اللهُ التَّقْوَى ثَلاَثُ مَرَاتِبٍ: إِحْدَاهَا: حِمْيَةُ القَلْبِ وَالجَوَارِحِ عَنِ الآثَامِ وَالمُحَرَّمَاتِ. الثَّانِيَةِ: حِمْيَتُهَا عَنِ المَكْرُوْهَاتِ. الثَّالِثَةُ: الحِمْيَةُ عَنِ الفُضُولِ وَمَا لاَ يَعْنِي.
Ibnu Qayyim rahimahullah berkata: Takwa itu tiga tingkatan. Pertama, menjaga hati dan anggota tubuh dari dosa dan perkara-perkara haram. Kedua, menjaga hati dan anggota tubuh dari perkara-perkara makruh. Ketiga, menjaga hati dan anggota tubuh dari berlebihan dan perkara-perkara yang tidak berguna.
Sumber:, 11/11/2013.
Dunia Islam Membantu Filipina
Tergerak oleh kerusakan dahsyat akibat badai haiyan di Filipina,
dunia Islam turut bergeak membantu. Lembaga-lembaga Islam di seluruh
dunia megumpulkan donasi dan bantuan untuk diserahkan kepada pengungsi
Majority of Turkish People Oppose Extramarital Relationships
A study by Turkish universities, Koc and
Sabanci, published this week reported that 72% of those surveyed in
Turkey oppose extramarital relationships, including the idea of couples
living together without getting married, while 87% of Turkish people
believe that couples should be married if they want to have a child.
The Central Aleppo Prison Massacre
The protocols of the encounters in
London, Paris, New York, Moscow and Istanbul for the sake of what is
called a political solution were still beginning, when the regime
intensified its attack on the people of Syria and doubled the blood
baths on every area of this pure land, the land of the Prophets,
Companions and noble Followers.
Keutamaan Puasa di Bulan Muharram
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu dia berkata, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
أَفْضَلُ الصِّيَامِ بَعْدَ رَمَضَانَ شَهْرُ اللَّهِ الْمُحَرَّمُ وَأَفْضَلُ الصَّلاَةِ بَعْدَ الْفَرِيضَةِ صَلاَةُ اللَّيْلِ
“Puasa yang paling utama setelah (puasa) Ramadhan adalah (puasa) di bulan Allah (bulan) Muharram, dan shalat yang paling utama setelah shalat wajib (lima waktu) adalah shalat malam.“[1].
Adab Terhadap Guru
Di antara adab-adab yang telah disepakati para ulama’ dalam menuntut ilmu adalah adab murid kepada gurunya. Imam Ibnu Hazm berkata: “Para ulama bersepakat, wajibnya memuliakan ahli al-Qur’an, ahli Islam dan Nabi. Demikian pula wajib memuliakan khalifah, orang yang punya keutamaan dan orang yang berilmu.” (al-Adab as-Syar’iah 1/408).
Israel Akui Lakukan Pencurian Organ Tubuh dari Jenazah Palestina
"Israel Akui Pihaknya Lakukan Pencurian Organ Tubuh dari Jenazah Palestina"
Rabu, 13 November 2013
Asylum boat sinking off Java
"Asylum boat sinking off Java"
S’pore welcomes US
"S’pore welcomes US to continue deepening engagement in Asia-Pacific region"
Afghanistan Panen Opium Besar-Besaran
"Duh, Tahun Ini Afghanistan Panen Opium Besar-Besaran"
Kezaliman dan Akibatnya
Salah satu tindakan yang haram di dalam Islam adalah melakukan
tindakan zalim dan melampaui batas. Dalam bahasa Nabi Muhammad SAW,
tindakan demikian dinamakan dengan al-baghyu. Al-Baghyu (bentuk masdar) berasal dari kata: bagha–yabghi, yang berarti “menghendaki”.
Dalam perkembangannya, kata ini sering digunakan untuk makna yang
negatif; kadang-kadang diartikan durhaka, melanggar hak, permusuhan,
penganiayaan atau pelacuran. Dalam Alquran kata al-baghyu diulang sebanyak 11 kali, dengan arti yang berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan konteksnya. Kata al-baghyu
dapat diartikan negatif, misalnya, pada surat Al-Baqarah [2]:90,
An-Nisaa’ [4]: 19, dapat diartikan: penganiayaan atau perzinaan. Pada
surat Hud [10]: 23, dapat diartikan “durhaka”, pada surat Al-An’am dapat
diartikan “dosa”.
Haji Mabrur dan Ciri-cirinya
Dalam sebuah riwayat yang dituturkan oleh Abu Hurairah ra disebutkan bahwa Baginda Rasulullah SAW pernah ditanya, “Amal apa yang paling utama?” Beliau menjawab, “Iman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya?” Beliau ditanya lagi, “Lalu apa?” Beliau menjawab, “Jihad fi sabilillah.”Beliau kembali ditanya, “Kemudian apa lagi?” Beliau menjawab lagi, “Haji mabrur.”(Muttafaq ‘alaih).
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