Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Yarmouk refugees in #Syria eat animals

Yarmouk refugees in Syria eat animals http://feedly.com/e/K9C2LSFH

Analyst: US seeking war in #Syria

Analyst: US seeking war in Syria http://feedly.com/e/2Fu3eb0i

#US troops may remain in #Afghanistan

Check out @PressTV's Tweet: https://twitter.com/PressTV/status/428446919208075264

Tolak judi dan prostitusi, Ketua HMI Tanjungpinang diancam

Tolak judi dan prostitusi, Ketua HMI Tanjungpinang diancam http://feedly.com/e/XHeL3V4g

Doa Mencegah Terjadinya Banjir

Doa Mencegah Terjadinya Banjir http://feedly.com/e/D9B2vBIp

Para Pembela Aliran Sesat Disuarakan untuk Gantikan Sahal Mahfudh di MUI dan NU ?

Para Pembela Aliran Sesat Disuarakan untuk Gantikan Sahal Mahfudh di MUI dan NU ? http://feedly.com/e/pmOgd03J

#Syria: If this photo shows a before and after of our Masajids, you can't even fathom the state of the people

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/428116073364615168

US nuclear force scandal widens

US nuclear force scandal widens http://feedly.com/e/AXpqZCPi

Berita harian Batam Pos, Rabu 29 Januari 2014 (Kom: Negara Memasak Rakyat! )

US doctor 'waterboarded' child

US doctor 'waterboarded' child http://feedly.com/e/Nkj3dmc3

"American system crushes people: Duff"

American system crushes people: Duff http://feedly.com/e/3bDc2el_

‘Sexual abuse a practice in US military’

‘Sexual abuse a practice in US military’ http://feedly.com/e/joAw1A6x

Another Muslim family attacked in CAR

‘Another Muslim family attacked in CAR’ http://feedly.com/e/ZpqZ28ao

Conducting espionage is #NSA 'attitude'

Conducting espionage is NSA 'attitude' http://feedly.com/e/C-S69OSk

#US war ‘extremely unpopular’

US war ‘extremely unpopular’ http://feedly.com/e/KVklL6nE

The Ruling System in Sudan Talks about Reform but is Afraid of Messages Distributed to People calling them to Truth and Righteousness!!

The Ruling System in Sudan Talks about Reform but is Afraid of Messages Distributed to People calling them to Truth and Righteousness!! http://feedly.com/e/bPPsdezG

Another Failed Attempt from the Afghan Intelligence Agencies to Slander Hizb ut Tahrir

Another Failed Attempt from the Afghan Intelligence Agencies to Slander Hizb ut Tahrir http://feedly.com/e/3Jwn6VxG

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Our economy is destroying us - #US

Our economy is destroying us http://feedly.com/e/8vjeSNcf

Capitalism: of the rich, by the rich and only for the rich

Capitalism: of the rich, by the rich and only for the rich http://feedly.com/e/L3Fs_nBs

"Deradikalisasi Dituding Hanya Proyek Menghabiskan Duit - #BNPT #Densus88

Deradikalisasi Dituding Hanya Proyek Menghabiskan Duit http://feedly.com/e/sGHMnQhr

Somasi #SBY Jadi Bahan Tertawaan Publik

Somasi SBY Jadi Bahan Tertawaan Publik http://feedly.com/e/MA8gvR8f

We will fill our stomach with stones - #Syria

'We will fill our stomach with stones' http://feedly.com/e/ZEMHutX1

#US plans to sell 24 Apache helicopters to #Iraq

US plans to sell 24 Apache helicopters to Iraq http://feedly.com/e/zhjR-R8V

" #NSA 'gets data from Angry Birds'"

NSA 'gets data from Angry Birds' http://feedly.com/e/yAkXoxwc

"CAR Muslim minority under attack: UN"

CAR Muslim minority under attack: UN http://feedly.com/e/OzC0T3E_

Guns hurt, kill 10,000 US kids annually

Guns hurt, kill 10,000 US kids annually http://feedly.com/e/mHru1nze

Analyst: US military lacks discipline

Analyst: US military lacks discipline http://feedly.com/e/hqOLLaz_

Over 500 Rohingyas found in Thai camp - suspected human-trafficking - #Rohingya

Over 500 Rohingyas found in Thai camp http://feedly.com/e/wZiTGWo0

Houthi, Salafi clashes kill 21 in Yemen

Houthi, Salafi clashes kill 21 in Yemen http://feedly.com/e/hZM9fv76

#NSA uses mobile apps to get private data

NSA uses mobile apps to get private data http://feedly.com/e/tPmG0RNh

The General's Burden - #Pakistan

The General's Burden http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/comment/17969-the-generals-burden

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian man

Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian man http://feedly.com/e/RY24Dhwj

US Senate awaits Israeli instructions

US Senate awaits Israeli instructions http://feedly.com/e/lvt7pmMc

‘No talks with Islamist militants in #Syria ’ - Lavrov

Check out @RT_com's Tweet: https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/427634110173941761

VIDEO: How agencies spy in the digital age

Tunisia assembly passes constitution http://feedly.com/e/L3ucd5Rl

Will the #Taliban retake #Afghanistan ?

Will the Taliban retake Afghanistan? http://feedly.com/e/wQpr-aBo

"Posko Peduli Banjir HTI di Bukit Duri"

Posko Peduli Banjir HTI di Bukit Duri http://feedly.com/e/AuU6T8-B

[FOTO] Pelayanan Kesehatan Posko Peduli Banjir HTI (Bukit Duri Jakarta)

[FOTO] Pelayanan Kesehatan Posko Peduli Banjir HTI (Bukit Duri Jakarta) http://feedly.com/e/dSpiAQ9U

Ratusan Orang dari Hizbut Tahrir Tunisia Berdemonstrasi Menentang UUD Baru Tunisia

Ratusan Orang dari Hizbut Tahrir Tunisia Berdemonstrasi Menentang UUD Baru Tunisia http://feedly.com/e/9ssgi8yy

[FOTO] Aksi HT Tunisia Menentang Konstitusi Baru Tunisia yang Sekuler

[FOTO] Aksi HT Tunisia Menentang Konstitusi Baru Tunisia yang Sekuler http://feedly.com/e/HoePRqL4

KSA behind #Israel plans for al-Aqsa

‘KSA behind Israel plans for al-Aqsa’ http://feedly.com/e/DJjEin4t

"‘Iran will never stop backing Syria’"

‘Iran will never stop backing Syria’ http://feedly.com/e/Im0T5mpl

Germany after greater role in Africa

Germany after greater role in Africa http://feedly.com/e/OEe532UN

‘SNC does US bidding in Syria confab’

‘SNC does US bidding in Syria confab’ http://feedly.com/e/TwP3pU2H

US analyst: Israel is ‘genocidal regime’

US analyst: Israel is ‘genocidal regime’ http://feedly.com/e/4Nk4o7xi

US companies ‘collaborating’ with NSA

US companies ‘collaborating’ with NSA http://feedly.com/e/mpj-dQ0z

US military still permits torture

US military still permits torture http://feedly.com/e/XR8WDEbZ

US drone strike kills one in Somalia - #Obama

US drone strike kills one in Somalia http://feedly.com/e/FhZ91l0X

Manufacturing Fear: Fanning the Flames of Islamophobia

Manufacturing Fear: Fanning the Flames of Islamophobia http://feedly.com/e/d9_K8yP-

Al-Maliki Hastens to Tear Iraq into Rival Entities by Implementing the Plans of his Masters

Al-Maliki Hastens to Tear Iraq into Rival Entities by Implementing the Plans of his Masters http://feedly.com/e/Pv1KOFUe

Q&A: Does the Punishment in this World Expiate the Sin on the Day of Resurrection?

Q&A: Does the Punishment in this World Expiate the Sin on the Day of Resurrection? http://feedly.com/e/1-i9cyh2

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

VIDEO: #Egypt police open fire on protesters

VIDEO: Egypt police open fire on protesters http://feedly.com/e/uwXZPjO5

Commander to ask #Obama for 10k troops - #Afghanistan

Commander to ask Obama for 10k troops http://feedly.com/e/GtNpG-H_

Pakistanis flee army offensive in NW - #Pakistan #Taliban

Pakistanis flee army offensive in NW http://feedly.com/e/I_gHRk5L

Santri-santriwati & TPQ masjid Zulfirdaus, Bintan Center - #Tanjungpinang

Pertemuan santri-santriwati TPQ masjid Zulfirdaus

Pertemuan dengan santri-santriwati TPA Masjid Zulfirdaus, Bintan Center - #Tanjungpinang

Mahalnya Biaya Nyapres Dimanfaatkan Pengusaha

Mahalnya Biaya Nyapres Dimanfaatkan Pengusaha http://feedly.com/e/b4DB83NJ

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

#Obama backpedals on marijuana

Obama backpedals on marijuana http://feedly.com/e/VvU8cT3d

Fears grow in UK over #Syria militants

Fears grow in UK over Syria militants http://feedly.com/e/JN16tqvO

Al Shabab to up attacks on foreign forces - Somalia

Shabab to up attacks on foreign forces http://feedly.com/e/qPQkzKhv

We have to go beyond Mali: France

We have to go beyond Mali: France http://feedly.com/e/ND1yc9Oq

‘ #US military hegemony era over’

‘US military hegemony era over’ http://feedly.com/e/4V4YEGfg

‘Iran, France to cooperate on #Syria ’

‘Iran, France to cooperate on Syria’ http://feedly.com/e/SluwA92C

Amnesty says Muslims killed in CAR

Amnesty says Muslims killed in CAR http://feedly.com/e/ZTzaR0gX

NY mayor: Backing #Israel part of my job

NY mayor: Backing Israel part of my job http://feedly.com/e/YIJLA5IC

'Rohingyas face state-backed violence' - #Myanmar #Rohingya

'Rohingyas face state-backed violence' http://feedly.com/e/qgNN_r7v

#US food banks warn against cuts

US food banks warn against cuts http://feedly.com/e/9t0jO6PE

#Israel mulls replacing al-Aqsa mosque

Israel mulls replacing al-Aqsa mosque http://feedly.com/e/0VyiOJAF

Triple blasts hit China’s Xinjiang

Triple blasts hit China’s Xinjiang http://feedly.com/e/gkT6c6s0

Alhamdulillah, Children's Picket Took Place in the City of Irbid

Alhamdulillah, Children's Picket Took Place in the City of Irbid http://feedly.com/e/FypkOfDJ

Sudan's Bread and Fuel Crises Confirm the Government's Failure in Solving Problems

Sudan's Bread and Fuel Crises Confirm the Government's Failure in Solving Problems http://feedly.com/e/dhx601OO

Warm Call to the Sincere Officers in the Military: Free the Oppressed People from the Tyranny of Tyrant Hasina by Providing Nusrah to Hizb ut-Tahrir in Establishing the #Khilafah

Sudan's Bread and Fuel Crises Confirm the Government's Failure in Solving Problems http://feedly.com/e/dhx601OO

Demo in Jordan: Reject the Geneva Conspiracy, the Tyrannical System and Treacherous Coalition - #Syria

Demo in Jordan: Reject the Geneva Conspiracy, the Tyrannical System and Treacherous Coalition http://feedly.com/e/LbZmB6tN

Kirgistan Bunuh 11 Muslim #Uyghur di Dekat Perbatasan Cina

Warga Palestina di Kamp Yarmouk Mencari Suaka Kemanusiaan http://feedly.com/e/ZhxGrvtB

Demi Penambahan Kuota Jamaah Haji, Situs-situs Islam Banyak Dirusak - Arab #Saudi

Demi Penambahan Kuota Jamaah Haji, Situs-situs Islam Banyak Dirusak http://feedly.com/e/X24LgfIJ

AI: Puluhan Muslim Tewas Dibantai Milisi Kristen di CAR

AI: Puluhan Muslim Tewas Dibantai Milisi Kristen di CAR http://feedly.com/e/Lx5z9tia

PERNYATAAN MUSLIMAH HIZBUT TAHRIR INDONESIA “Tragedi TKW: Ketika Perempuan Menjadi Tumbal Devisa Negara”

PERNYATAAN MUSLIMAH HIZBUT TAHRIR INDONESIA “Tragedi TKW: Ketika Perempuan Menjadi Tumbal Devisa Negara” http://feedly.com/e/v-7x1drb

Milisi Kristen Terus Meneror Minoritas Muslim di Afrika Tengah

Milisi Kristen Terus Meneror Minoritas Muslim di Afrika Tengah http://feedly.com/e/hel4iPUw

Watching a star explode

Watching a star explode http://feedly.com/e/zxkb9eqO

2,400 killed in #Obama’s drone war

'2,400 killed in Obama’s drone war' http://feedly.com/e/sl7KLrrR

US to send Global Hawk drones to Japan

US to send Global Hawk drones to Japan http://feedly.com/e/ZGZWOaUI

German female soldiers abused

‘German female soldiers abused’ http://feedly.com/e/fnTlUyb-

17 killed, dozens hurt in #Egypt clashes

17 killed, dozens hurt in Egypt clashes http://feedly.com/e/gj-uwZSk

Dozens of Muslims killed in CAR

'Dozens of Muslims killed in CAR' http://feedly.com/e/SZ1JLtBb

Hundreds of Hizb ut-Tahrir activists rally against #Tunisia secular constitution

Hundreds of Hizb ut-Tahrir activists rally against Tunisia secular constitution http://feedly.com/e/q5Dkvqr3

4 Cerita orang miskin 'dilarang' sakit

4 Cerita orang miskin 'dilarang' sakit | merdeka.com http://feedly.com/k/1bnxBXK

Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

#CIA Paid Poland $15M for Use of Secret Prison

CIA Paid Poland $15M for Use of Secret Prison http://feedly.com/e/lhP2e7G6

#Obama saved bankers at people’s cost’

‘Obama saved bankers at people’s cost’ http://feedly.com/e/9RZ35172

PBB: Warga Buddha #Myanmar bunuh 48 muslim #Rohingya

PBB: Warga Buddha Myanmar bunuh 48 muslim Rohingya http://feedly.com/e/3xhWWaau

Pangdam akui satu anggota TNI tewas tertembak di Mulia - (Kom: Kirim #Densus88 utk tumpas teroris #Papua )

Pangdam akui satu anggota TNI tewas tertembak di Mulia http://feedly.com/e/PCFU8N4H

Bara Fitnah Mulai Berkobar

Bara Fitnah Mulai Berkobar http://feedly.com/e/tLpFP8bB

#NATO route in #Pakistan still blocked

NATO route in Pakistan still blocked http://feedly.com/e/yWkWuDwx

#CIA’s ‘black site’ in Poland for torture

CIA’s ‘black site’ in Poland for torture http://feedly.com/e/abS1UZid

#Snowden : What makes U.S. strong

Snowden: What makes U.S. strong http://feedly.com/e/-C92Wezj

Rights group blasts #Rohingya massacre - #Myanmar

Rights group blasts Rohingya massacre http://feedly.com/e/DLp2L5Xa

Detainees speak out about Gitmo ordeals - #Obama

Detainees speak out about Gitmo ordeals http://feedly.com/e/Vly4cDiF

Americans believe wealth gap is growing

Americans believe wealth gap is growing http://feedly.com/e/aK5vnFEK

Israeli army shoots Palestinian in head - #Israel

Israeli army shoots Palestinian in head http://feedly.com/e/_nNgGr_w

#Myanmar urged to probe Muslim killings - #Rohingya

Myanmar urged to probe Muslim killings http://feedly.com/e/fjaKp84D

Taming the Beast

Taming the Beast http://feedly.com/e/Hnesq-_6

Butchering of Rohingya Muslim Women and Children Re-enforces the Urgent Need for #Khilafah to Protect Them

Butchering of Rohingya Muslim Women and Children Re-enforces the Urgent Need for Khilafah to Protect Them http://feedly.com/e/bjfpDyWe

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

CAR faces 'high risk' of genocide: UN

CAR faces 'high risk' of genocide: UN http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/01/23/347206/car-faces-high-risk-of-genocide-un/

Bankruptcy of #US banks ‘embarrassing’

Bankruptcy of US banks ‘embarrassing’ http://feedly.com/e/jgh31p4q

Bankruptcy of #US banks ‘embarrassing’

Bankruptcy of US banks ‘embarrassing’ http://feedly.com/e/jgh31p4q

#US to hit debt ceiling by late February - #Obama

US to hit debt ceiling by late February http://feedly.com/e/-W9VEF9C

Oxfam: $110 trillion owned by 1%

Oxfam: $110 trillion owned by 1% http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_topstories/~3/vLAWdCPtSjc/davos-income-inequality-oxfam-international-winnie-byanima-intv.cnn.html

How come #Iraq's population has been rising?

How come Iraq's population has been rising? http://feedly.com/e/R4KYwD8f

A Congress by and for millionaires - #US #Obama

A Congress by and for millionaires http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/01/22/347174/a-congress-by-and-for-the-millionaires/

Syrian National Coalition announces its separation from the Syrian people and Dedicates its Loyalty to America by accepting Geneva II - #Syria

Syrian National Coalition announces its separation from the Syrian people and Dedicates its Loyalty to America by accepting Geneva II http://feedly.com/e/TAM_C6v6

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Warga Kalibata Antusias Dikunjungi Habib Rizieq & Relawan #FPI

Warga Kalibata Antusias Dikunjungi Habib Rizieq & Relawan FPI http://feedly.com/e/sKZ6ECUU

30 Juta rakyat Indonesia hanya berpenghasilan Rp 12.000 per hari

30 Juta rakyat Indonesia hanya berpenghasilan Rp 12.000 per hari http://feedly.com/e/aFpgGLen

#Pentagon eyes Afghan force of 10,000 - #Afghanistan #Obama

Pentagon eyes Afghan force of 10,000 http://feedly.com/e/yfsggxVb

Working EU population remains poor

"Working EU population remains poor" http://feedly.com/e/a4Hs2fhH

Why we fight because it pays well

"Why we fight because it pays well" http://feedly.com/e/rfEGvS2n

Living costs? Brits can’t afford to die

"Living costs? Brits can’t afford to die" http://feedly.com/e/XJwHRPL-

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Malaysia kicks off operation to flush out illegal immigrants

"Malaysia kicks off operation to flush out illegal immigrants" http://feedly.com/e/m9bd2Vm-

#Syria photos prove mass torture by Assad regime

"Syria photos prove mass torture by Assad regime" http://feedly.com/e/FDkgObg4

Is capitalism a zero-sum game?

"Is capitalism a zero-sum game?" http://feedly.com/e/GgzoWzUS

Q&A: Custom Duties in the Islamic State

"Q&A: Custom Duties in the Islamic State" http://feedly.com/e/YLDCnG32

300 Muslim Arakan Terbunuh, Ribuan Lainnya Mengungsi - #Myanmar

"300 Muslim Arakan Terbunuh, Ribuan Lainnya Mengungsi" http://feedly.com/e/g3qBMfoh

Penyebab Banjir Jakarta, dari Teknis hingga Ideologis

"Penyebab Banjir Jakarta, dari Teknis hingga Ideologis" http://feedly.com/e/2BEnxU56

Al Qaeda offshoot imposes strict Islamic rules in north #Syria

"Al Qaeda offshoot imposes strict Islamic rules in north Syria" http://feedly.com/e/QemPkhJG

Swiss Guard veteran claims existence of 'gay network' at the #Vatican

"Swiss Guard veteran claims existence of 'gay network' at the Vatican" http://feedly.com/e/ei2WHBMY

Pilot slept as plane flew over Sydney

"Pilot slept as plane flew over Sydney" http://feedly.com/e/HDrd3ttE

US has 'history of government spying - #NSA

"US has 'history of government spying'" http://feedly.com/e/pkcu5RDr

Super-rich own half of global wealth

"‘Super-rich own half of global wealth’" http://feedly.com/e/ELuvcIyQ

#Israel splitting Palestinian families

"‘Israel splitting Palestinian families’" http://feedly.com/e/gKd6yn8u

French econ. run into sand: UK Tory

"French econ. run into sand: UK Tory" http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/01/20/346745/french-economy-run-into-sand/

US intelligence system ‘pathological - #Obama #NSA

"US intelligence system ‘pathological’" http://feedly.com/e/c4ufzjor

#Myanmar Muslim mutilations raise fear

"Myanmar Muslim mutilations raise fear" http://feedly.com/e/7FUwtpW6

Dividing Muslim states, Zionist agenda

"‘Dividing Muslim states, Zionist agenda’" http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/01/20/346761/dividing-muslim-states-on-zionist-agenda/

#France hides its economic woes using foreign policy

"France hides its economic woes using foreign policy" http://feedly.com/e/idc9teKd

The Authority allied to Bashar added a new Martyr to the Caravan of Martyrs of Ash-Sham's Revolution in Lebanon

"The Authority allied to Bashar added a new Martyr to the Caravan of Martyrs of Ash-Sham's Revolution in Lebanon" http://feedly.com/e/hIOrA893

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

HK police arrest employer of 'tortured' Indonesian maid

"HK police arrest employer of 'tortured' Indonesian maid" http://feedly.com/e/v5QrsCM9

A new chapter in US interventionism

"A new chapter in US interventionism" http://feedly.com/e/_TQcY-wt

US air raid killed 14 Afghan civilians - #Afghanistan #Obama

"'US air raid killed 14 Afghan civilians'" http://feedly.com/e/sCzAuwQv

Kemenangan al-Qaidah di Afrika dan Sahara Melawan Hegemoni Barat

"Kemenangan al-Qaidah di Afrika dan Sahara Melawan Hegemoni Barat" http://feedly.com/e/_syPaJwD

Kemenangan #Taliban Pakistan & Taliban #Afghanistan Melawan AS

"Kemenangan Taliban Pakistan & Taliban Afghanistan Melawan AS" http://feedly.com/e/2lkWXIEY

#Israel builds nukes to terrorize world - #nuke

"‘Israel builds nukes to terrorize world’" http://feedly.com/e/a8RCdxF0

Seruan Syariah dan #Khilafah dari Kilometer Nol Indonesia

"Seruan Syariah dan Khilafah dari Kilometer Nol Indonesia" http://feedly.com/e/Jd9zBGTz

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Pengamat Sosial: Luar Biasanya Mudharat Demokrasi

"Pengamat Sosial: Luar Biasanya Mudharat Demokrasi" http://feedly.com/e/pcwRA1-E

Jelang lengser, #SBY tinggalkan beban utang Rp 8,9 juta per orang

"Jelang lengser, SBY tinggalkan beban utang Rp 8,9 juta per orang" http://feedly.com/e/yMQ2Xj8s

#Israel building Nuke arsenal since 50s - #nuke

"'Israel building Nuke arsenal since 50s'" http://feedly.com/e/viskcG1g

Impact of US killing Afghans greater now - #Obama #Afghanistan

"Impact of US killing Afghans greater now" http://feedly.com/e/6xM1ifqn

#Obama says US will continue spying - #NSA

"Obama says US will continue spying" http://feedly.com/e/FzxxpAP1

A tale of America at war

"A tale of America at war" http://feedly.com/e/4QCnTUKZ

#Saudi govt. joins anti-Muslim forces

"‘Saudi govt. joins anti-Muslim forces’" http://feedly.com/e/BSahb2CY

#Libya declares state of emergency

"Libya declares state of emergency" http://feedly.com/e/gsMwM_dQ

Militants kill 22 Muslims in CAR

"Militants kill 22 Muslims in CAR" http://feedly.com/e/RPfSTrDd

Innocent, starving, close to death: One victim of the siege that shames #Syria

"Innocent, starving, close to death: One victim of the siege that shames Syria" http://feedly.com/e/DjZWSoe2

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

US agrees to send new arms to #Iraq

"US agrees to send new arms to Iraq" http://feedly.com/e/uQ6iRlba

Lima Bentuk Kristalisasi Kesadaran Umat

"Lima Bentuk Kristalisasi Kesadaran Umat" http://feedly.com/e/vhf0XCpq

Marinir Amerika Membakar Mayat Orang-Orang #Iraq - #Obama

"Marinir Amerika Membakar Mayat Orang-Orang Iraq" http://feedly.com/e/UwADtCHg

Soal Jawab: Apakah Hizbut Tahrir Mengubah Thariqahnya Melalui Demonstrasi dan Konferensi?

"Soal Jawab: Apakah Hizbut Tahrir Mengubah Thariqahnya Melalui Demonstrasi dan Konferensi?" http://feedly.com/e/mVu73sgO

US airstrike killed 13 Afghan civilians - #Afghanistan #Obama

"'US airstrike killed 13 Afghan civilians'" http://feedly.com/e/ru-1jRQI

‘Iran, Russia views on #Syria similar

"‘Iran, Russia views on Syria similar’" http://feedly.com/e/nrg-vuvm

US 'very concerned' over al-Qaeda in #Iraq - #Obama

"US 'very concerned' over al-Qaeda in Iraq" http://feedly.com/e/L1ACAdBk

America’s secret war in 134 countries - #Obama

"America’s secret war in 134 countries" http://feedly.com/e/Fme7UjD1

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

US plans intelligence base in Bahrain - #Obama

"US plans intelligence base in Bahrain" http://feedly.com/e/dKwQps4u

#Rohingya Muslims stabbed to death

"Rohingya Muslims stabbed to death" http://feedly.com/e/aaPGfmoX

‘CAR Christian militia butcher Muslims

"‘CAR Christian militia butcher Muslims’" http://feedly.com/e/4r7eTY2v

Secret amendment in Congress keeps #CIA in charge of deadly drone strikes

Check out @RT_com's Tweet: https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/424077789700947968

The Reality of Democracy

Check out @ataabualrashtah's Tweet: https://twitter.com/ataabualrashtah/status/423985621296640000

UN confronts #Vatican on child sex abuse

"UN confronts Vatican on child sex abuse" http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/01/16/345957/un-confronts-vatican-on-child-sex-abuse/

Muslims, main victim of France racism

"Muslims, main victim of France racism" http://feedly.com/e/iI6p6-CF

#Snowden leaks biggest US scandal - #NSA

"‘Snowden leaks biggest US scandal’" http://feedly.com/e/yAaaRfmO

#Obama doesn’t 'respect Afghan lives - #Afghanistan

"Obama doesn’t 'respect Afghan lives'" http://feedly.com/e/aXq-Rp4P

Prince Bandar behind #Saudi network

"'Prince Bandar behind Saudi network’" http://feedly.com/e/59DBojAB

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Soal UU Minerba, #SBY dituding lindungi #Freeport dan #Newmont

"Soal UU Minerba, SBY dituding lindungi Freeport dan Newmont" http://feedly.com/e/DSYfop-P

HTI Minta Hiburan Malam Bukan Hanya Dibatasi Operasionalnya Tapi Ditutup

"HTI Minta Hiburan Malam Bukan Hanya Dibatasi Operasionalnya Tapi Ditutup" http://feedly.com/e/Th6h_Rc7

Half of US counties remain in recession

"Half of US counties remain in recession" http://feedly.com/e/8REQmpxI

#Obama defends Afghan strategy after Gates comments - #Afghanistan

"Obama defends Afghan strategy after Gates comments" http://feedly.com/e/u5XrxSHw

Massa dan Milisi Kristen Ancam Bunuhi Muslim di Afrika Tengah

"Massa dan Milisi Kristen Ancam Bunuhi Muslim di Afrika Tengah" http://feedly.com/e/X5ghplH6

Independent: Masalah #Afghanistan Adalah Tentang Kebencian Rakyat Terhadap Pemerintah Pro Barat

"Independent: Masalah Afghanistan Adalah Tentang Kebencian Rakyat Terhadap Pemerintah Pro Barat" http://feedly.com/e/QH_4Kcbd

Investigasi Internal Amerika Tidak Akan Mengubah Wajah Buruknya - #Obama

"Investigasi Internal Amerika Tidak Akan Mengubah Wajah Buruknya" http://feedly.com/e/CeK67zdK

Slander against Hizb ut Tahrir’s News! Is a lie and totally fabricated - #Syria

"Slander against Hizb ut Tahrir’s News! Is a lie and totally fabricated" http://www.hizb-australia.org/global-da-wah/item/1044-slander-against-hizb-ut-tahrir-s-news-is-a-lie-and-totally-fabricated

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

S Korea to pay US$866.6m to host US troops

"S Korea to pay US$866.6m to host US troops" http://feedly.com/k/KWIJVs

Muslim Women and Children in #Syria Starve While the Muslim Regimes Engage in Kufr Festivities and Collude against the Syrian Islamic Revolution

"Muslim Women and Children in Syria Starve While the Muslim Regimes Engage in Kufr Festivities and Collude against the Syrian Islamic Revolution" http://feedly.com/k/1eMXdQD

Duka Cita Para Sahabat radhiyallahu’anhu

"Duka Cita Para Sahabat radhiyallahu’anhu" http://feedly.com/k/1hawteT

Budhis Srilanka Mulai Jadikan Umat Islam Sebagai Musuh

"Budhis Srilanka Mulai Jadikan Umat Islam Sebagai Musuh" http://feedly.com/k/1guPQyr

1 dari 10 Anak Terlahir Sebagai Muslim Di Inggris Dan Wales

"1 dari 10 Anak Terlahir Sebagai Muslim Di Inggris Dan Wales" http://feedly.com/k/1guPGa9

VIDEO: Developments of the Situation in #Syria

"VIDEO: Developments of the Situation in Syria" http://feedly.com/k/1dGhrcL

The character, outlook and attitude of a daa'ee in conveying the da'wah to re-establish Islam - #Khilafah

"The character, outlook and attitude of a daa'ee in conveying the da'wah to re-establish Islam" http://feedly.com/k/1cPU0ji

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

PPP Sayangkan Terbitnya Perpres 74 tentang #Miras - (Kom: #SBY ... RAJA MIRAS?)

"PPP Sayangkan Terbitnya Perpres 74 tentang Miras" http://feedly.com/k/1goSh5o

The 1 Percent Government

"The 1 Percent Government" http://feedly.com/k/K9pQNO

British Muslim population on rise

"British Muslim population on rise" http://feedly.com/k/1bYr6di

Muslim #Myanmar Jadi Tumbal Pertarungan AS-China

"Muslim Myanmar Jadi Tumbal Pertarungan AS-China" http://feedly.com/k/1lYvJtt

Complete Your Revolution so that Islam Comes to Rule - #Khilafah

""Complete Your Revolution so that Islam Comes to Rule"" http://feedly.com/k/1evqXkn

Hasil Survei: 96% Responden di Negara Muslim Dukung Jilbab

"Hasil Survei: 96% Responden di Negara Muslim Dukung Jilbab" http://feedly.com/k/1ebaHar

Response to the So-Called "Risk of Polarization" Among Muslims in the Netherlands

"Response to the So-Called "Risk of Polarization" Among Muslims in the Netherlands" http://feedly.com/k/1lGt4Hy

Sincere Army Officers Must Ignore all Orders from Dhalim Hasina and her Generals, and Obey Allah and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم

"Sincere Army Officers Must Ignore all Orders from Dhalim Hasina and her Generals, and Obey Allah and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم" http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/analysis/asia/17845-sincere-army-officers-must-ignore-all-orders-from-dhalim-hasina-and-her-generals-and-obey-allah-and-his-messenger----

Afghanistan : How the Colonialist Crusaders are distorting the facts

"Afghanistan: How the Colonialist Crusaders are distorting the facts" http://feedly.com/k/19gOPKU

Kerry's Tour in the Region is for Securing America's Interests and Protecting the Jewish Entity after Sensing the Upcoming Threat from the Blessed Revolution in Ash-Sham - #Obama #Israel

"Kerry's Tour in the Region is for Securing America's Interests and Protecting the Jewish Entity after Sensing the Upcoming Threat from the Blessed Revolution in Ash-Sham" http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/analysis/middle-east/17846-kerrys-tour-in-the-region-is-for-securing-americas-interests-and-protecting-the-jewish-entity-after-sensing-the-upcoming-threat-from-the-blessed-revolution-in-ash-sham

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Baku tembak TNI vs GPK di Timika, satu tewas - (Kom: Ini Teroris yg Sebenarnya!) #Densus88 #Papua

"Baku tembak TNI vs GPK di Timika, satu tewas" http://feedly.com/k/1gkGKnD

Beri dispensasi, pemerintah takluk di kaki #Freeport dan #Newmont

"Beri dispensasi, pemerintah takluk di kaki Freeport dan Newmont" http://feedly.com/k/KI0zvk

US raid in Yemen ‘killed civilians’ - #Obama

"US raid in Yemen ‘killed civilians’" http://feedly.com/k/1krFt4d

Arresting photos of Mich. lighthouse go viral

"Arresting photos of Mich. lighthouse go viral" http://feedly.com/k/1aIUEvO

Komentar Felix Siauw tentang Pelarangan Hijab

"Komentar Felix Siauw tentang Pelarangan Hijab" http://feedly.com/k/1etXfMI

US- #Israel agenda to 'fragment' Mideast - #Obama

"US-Israel agenda to 'fragment' Mideast" http://feedly.com/k/Kzjjwv

Tanpa #Khilafah , Rezim Brutal #China Leluasa Mengaborsi Rahim Mulia Muslimah #Uyghur

"Tanpa Khilafah, Rezim Brutal China Leluasa Mengaborsi Rahim Mulia Muslimah Uyghur" http://feedly.com/k/KzfhEe

Without the #Khilafah China's Brutal Regime is Free to Abort the Babies of the Noble #Uyghur Women

"Without the Khilafah China's Brutal Regime is Free to Abort the Babies of the Noble Uyghur Women" http://feedly.com/k/1fcUZ1i

America Openly Embraces #Assad to Fight Islam in #Syria - #Obama

"America Openly Embraces Assad to Fight Islam in Syria" http://feedly.com/k/1aabfcb

End American Raj, Establish the #Khilafah : Raheel-Nawaz Regime Strives to Secure Permanent US Presence

"End American Raj, Establish the Khilafah: Raheel-Nawaz Regime Strives to Secure Permanent US Presence" http://feedly.com/k/KzeoeT

Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

US bombing of Iraq 'won't end violence - #Obama

"US bombing of Iraq 'won't end violence'" http://feedly.com/k/1aE6K9D

Afghans protest at Qur'an desecration - #Obama

"Afghans protest at Qur'an desecration" http://feedly.com/k/1aE6yqW

Betting-shop machines sucking cash out of communities … what predatory capitalism looks like

"Betting-shop machines sucking cash out of communities … what predatory capitalism looks like" http://feedly.com/k/1dsOqB4

Pasukan Irak Gagal Rebut Kembali Ibukota Provinsi Anbar

"Pasukan Irak Gagal Rebut Kembali Ibukota Provinsi Anbar" http://feedly.com/k/1cMT2kE

“Is Islam Being Criminalised? A response to the UK Government report Tackling Extremism in the UK”

"“Is Islam Being Criminalised? A response to the UK Government report Tackling Extremism in the UK”" http://feedly.com/k/1aE3aMC

US VP voices support for Iraq’s Maliki

"US VP voices support for Iraq’s Maliki" http://feedly.com/k/1fawli4

#Bosnia war victims send corpse images

"Bosnia war victims send corpse images" http://feedly.com/k/JFft4N

American Influence in #Egypt As for whether America’s abandonment of Mursi means that America has abandoned...

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/420282116908548096

Increase the remembrance of that which destroys all desires - Death

"Increase the remembrance of that which destroys all desires - Death" http://feedly.com/k/19Pb5wg

South Sudan is America's Failed State - #Obama

"South Sudan is America's Failed State" http://feedly.com/k/1dc7Orb

Antara Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba’asyir dan Terorisme Ciputat

"Antara Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba’asyir dan Terorisme Ciputat" http://feedly.com/k/1lLSz7y

KSA, #Israel forge colonial allaiance - #Saudi

"'KSA, Israel forge colonial allaiance’" http://feedly.com/k/JEw5cN

Haruskah Dilakukan dengan Pembantaian dan Penyitaan Al Qur'an

"Haruskah Dilakukan dengan Pembantaian dan Penyitaan Al Qur'an" http://feedly.com/k/1ab9cIh

Congkel Mata Korban, #Densus88 Terlibat Penjualan Organ Manusia?

"Congkel Mata Korban, Densus 88 Terlibat Penjualan Organ Manusia?" http://feedly.com/k/1cUp2aQ

Congkel Mata Korban, #Densus88 Terlibat Penjualan Organ Manusia?

"Congkel Mata Korban, Densus 88 Terlibat Penjualan Organ Manusia?" http://feedly.com/k/1cUp2aQ

What do we live for?

"What do we live for?" http://feedly.com/k/19924gN

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

The Betrayal of Islam and Muslims by the Armies

"The Betrayal of Islam and Muslims by the Armies" http://feedly.com/k/1iILoQC

Aparat Tak Berdaya Hadapi Kelompok Bersenjata di Papua (Kom: Teroris Papua)

"Aparat Tak Berdaya Hadapi Kelompok Bersenjata di Papua" http://feedly.com/k/1a9Vvcw

KontraS Temukan Kejanggalan dalam Penggerebekan Ciputat

"KontraS Temukan Kejanggalan dalam Penggerebekan Ciputat" http://feedly.com/k/KurtGY

Densus 88 Kelewat Batas, Jenazah Syuhada Ciputat Matanya Dicongkel Kepalanya Hancur

"Densus 88 Kelewat Batas, Jenazah Syuhada Ciputat Matanya Dicongkel Kepalanya Hancur" http://feedly.com/k/19Wvr4j

10 Kejanggalan Pembunuhan Brutal Densus 88 di Ciputat

"10 Kejanggalan Pembunuhan Brutal Densus 88 di Ciputat" http://feedly.com/k/KuquGS

KontraS: Ada 5 Kejanggalan Teroristainment Densus 88 di Ciputat

"KontraS: Ada 5 Kejanggalan Teroristainment Densus 88 di Ciputat" http://feedly.com/k/19Wvhtz

Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

Penyergapan Terduga Terorisme: Haruskah Dilakukan dengan Penyitaan Al Qur’an?

"Penyergapan Terduga Terorisme: Haruskah Dilakukan dengan Penyitaan Al Qur’an?" http://feedly.com/k/1iFjh4A

Dark Places and Suspicious Hands Distribute a Letter Filled with Slander against Hizb ut Tahrir

"Dark Places and Suspicious Hands Distribute a Letter Filled with Slander against Hizb ut Tahrir" http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/activism/middle-east/17818-dark-places-and-suspicious-hands-distribute-a-letter-filled-with-slander-against-hizb-ut-tahrir

Q&A: What is behind the events in South Sudan?

"Q&A: What is behind the events in South Sudan?" http://feedly.com/k/1bHZXeE

Tiga Peristiwa Besar di Bulan Rabi’ul Awal

"Tiga Peristiwa Besar di Bulan Rabi’ul Awal" http://feedly.com/k/JTa6OW

HTI : Tambah Beban Rakyat, Kenaikan Gas Kebijakan Dzolim

"HTI : Tambah Beban Rakyat, Kenaikan Gas Kebijakan Dzolim" http://feedly.com/k/1livVq4

Sebenarnya Ketujuh Terduga Teroris Ditangkap Hidup-Hidup? Lantas Mengapa hanya Satu yang Dibiarkan Hidup? - #Densus88

"Sebenarnya Ketujuh Terduga Teroris Ditangkap Hidup-Hidup? Lantas Mengapa hanya Satu yang Dibiarkan Hidup?" http://feedly.com/k/1ctsOa0

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

Mengapa sebuah buku bisa menjadi alibi bagi tuduhan kejahatan terorisme?

"Mengapa sebuah buku bisa menjadi alibi bagi tuduhan kejahatan terorisme?" http://feedly.com/k/1bFLeRh

Intelijen Lemah, Penembakan Teroris Diduga By Design

"Intelijen Lemah, Penembakan Teroris Diduga By Design" http://feedly.com/k/KoXhgh

Tembak Mati Terduga Teroris, Profesionalitas Densus 88 Dipertanyakan

"Tembak Mati Terduga Teroris, Profesionalitas Densus 88 Dipertanyakan" http://feedly.com/k/1cOTrap

Komas HAM : Sudah 100 Terduga Teroris Tewas Dibunuh Densus 88

"Komas HAM : Sudah 100 Terduga Teroris Tewas Dibunuh Densus 88" http://feedly.com/k/JzLhI9

Densus Lakukan Pembantaian, Bukan Penyerbuan Teroris

"Densus Lakukan Pembantaian, Bukan Penyerbuan Teroris" http://feedly.com/k/1iAWoPM

Tentara AS, Iran, Irak dan Suriah Bersatu Perangi Al-Qaidah

"Tentara AS, Iran, Irak dan Suriah Bersatu Perangi Al-Qaidah" http://feedly.com/k/KomuYr

JAT dan Elemen Muslim Soloraya Menolak Keras Pembantaian di Ciputat

"JAT dan Elemen Muslim Soloraya Menolak Keras Pembantaian di Ciputat" http://www.voa-islam.com/news/indonesiana/2014/01/03/28473/jat-dan-elemen-muslim-soloraya-menolak-keras-pembantaian-di-ciputat/

Inilah Kejanggalan yang Sering Terjadi pada Penanganan Terduga Teroris

"Inilah Kejanggalan yang Sering Terjadi pada Penanganan Terduga Teroris" http://hizbut-tahrir.or.id/2014/01/04/inilah-kejanggalan-yang-sering-terjadi-pada-penanganan-terduga-teroris/

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Kecam Densus 88, ormas di Solo konvoi datangi markas Polresta

"Kecam Densus 88, ormas di Solo konvoi datangi markas Polresta" http://feedly.com/k/1dZ9FvI

Q&A: The Political and Financial Corruption Scandal that is Shaking the Turkish Government

"Q&A: The Political and Financial Corruption Scandal that is Shaking the Turkish Government" http://feedly.com/k/1euBzAu

Khilafah Pemersatu Negeri-negeri Muslim

"Khilafah Pemersatu Negeri-negeri Muslim" http://feedly.com/k/1eZDwti

Metode Sahih Menegakkan Khilafah

"Metode Sahih Menegakkan Khilafah" http://feedly.com/k/19Ec5D9

MPR: Penembakan Tidak Bisa Dilakukan #Densus88 Sebelum Ada Putusan Hukum

"MPR: Penembakan Tidak Bisa Dilakukan Densus 88 Sebelum Ada Putusan Hukum" http://feedly.com/k/JxkADV

Mengapa Harus Layanan Kesehatan Sistem #Khilafah ? - #BPJS #JKN

"Mengapa Harus Layanan Kesehatan Sistem Khilafah?" http://feedly.com/k/1l5p5nN

From the Land of Ash-Sham, the Abode of Dar al-Islam, We Offer our Condolences to Muhammad Khair An-Najjar (Abu Natheer) Known as (Abu Zahir)

"From the Land of Ash-Sham, the Abode of Dar al-Islam, We Offer our Condolences to Muhammad Khair An-Najjar (Abu Natheer) Known as (Abu Zahir)" http://feedly.com/k/1cLPeEA

Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

End American Raj, Establish the #Khilafah : Raheel-Nawaz Regime Strives to Secure Permanent US Presence

"End American Raj, Establish the Khilafah: Raheel-Nawaz Regime Strives to Secure Permanent US Presence" http://feedly.com/k/1d0O1e4

State Terorisme, Tanggapan atas Aksi Densus 88 di Malam Tahun Baru 2014

"State Terorisme, Tanggapan atas Aksi Densus di Malam Tahun Baru 2014" http://feedly.com/k/1g2n9sv

Kebijakan Sekolah di India Selatan, Melarang Siswa Muslim untuk Sholat Jumat

"Kebijakan Sekolah di India Selatan, Melarang Siswa Muslim untuk Sholat Jumat" http://feedly.com/k/1erIvhF

Wahai Para Ulama, Kenapa Membisu, Densus 88 Kian Demonstratif

"Wahai Para Ulama, Kenapa Membisu, Densus 88 Kian Demonstratif" http://feedly.com/k/1bBlxRR

Ada Banyak Kejanggalan Aksi Bunuh Densus 88 di Ciputat. Apa Saja?

"Ada Banyak Kejanggalan Aksi Bunuh Densus 88 di Ciputat. Apa Saja?" http://feedly.com/k/1l2vZdo