Rabu, 30 April 2014

Two new MERS deaths bring Saudi toll to 107

Two new MERS deaths bring Saudi toll to 107 http://feedly.com/e/GdpqisSX

US stifling media to cover up truth

‘US stifling media to cover up truth’ http://feedly.com/e/9yjIEvI3

#US covers KSA crimes for dollar deal - #Saudi

'US covers KSA crimes for dollar deal' http://feedly.com/e/g1iO0gYt

Tony Blair and the quest to subvert the inevitable end to the ongoing revolutions

Tony Blair and the quest to subvert the inevitable end to the ongoing revolutions http://feedly.com/e/L0bQSJip

The Terrorism Myth

The Terrorism Myth http://feedly.com/e/TjnUnNAq

Upcoming International Conference in Sudan

Upcoming International Conference in Sudan http://feedly.com/e/KCVfwTkb

Pimpinan Komunitas Islam Ceko Protes Penggeberekan Polisi di Masjid

Pimpinan Komunitas Islam Ceko Protes Penggeberekan Polisi di Masjid http://feedly.com/e/oskhq1Sk

Kenaikan Harga BBM dan Dampak Ekonominya

Kenaikan Harga BBM dan Dampak Ekonominya http://feedly.com/e/W0bG7JPW

Hizbut Tahrir Palestina Ingatkan Keculasan PLO atas Nama Rekonsiliasi !

Hizbut Tahrir Palestina Ingatkan Keculasan PLO atas Nama Rekonsiliasi ! http://feedly.com/e/jrvu4GGY

Negeri Darurat Pedofilia Selamatkan Dengan Syariah

Negeri Darurat Pedofilia Selamatkan Dengan Syariah http://feedly.com/e/Wr8KyZNW

Bayi Hasil Aborsi Dibakar di Pabrik Limbah di Oregon Untuk Hasilkan Listrik

Bayi Hasil Aborsi Dibakar di Pabrik Limbah di Oregon Untuk Hasilkan Listrik http://feedly.com/e/33KECM-7

Activists slam US presence in Philippines

Activists slam US presence in Philippines http://feedly.com/e/CZNKnzFI

Egypt regime on verge of collapse'

'Egypt regime on verge of collapse' http://feedly.com/e/Qhyx7I1O

US wants to cover up trail of drone blood

US wants to cover up trail of drone blood http://feedly.com/e/wFBHeJCH

British gave ‘full co-operation’ for CIA black jail on Diego Garcia, report claims

British gave ‘full co-operation’ for CIA black jail on Diego Garcia, report claims http://feedly.com/e/kkCnUUhg

Hundreds of female Cambridge students have been raped or sexually assaulted

Hundreds of female Cambridge students have been raped or sexually assaulted http://feedly.com/e/8J68d39p

Our 'psychology' when responding to attacks on Muslims

Our 'psychology' when responding to attacks on Muslims http://feedly.com/e/aOB57o1Q

Once Again Harsh Verdicts for Intimidation and Terrorization - Egypt

Once Again Harsh Verdicts for Intimidation and Terrorization http://feedly.com/e/qC9ke9gh

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Berobat di luar jam kerja, pasien BPJS ditolak klinik

Berobat di luar jam kerja, pasien BPJS ditolak klinik http://feedly.com/e/0njylGnE

Cloning: Scientists make insulin-producing cells

Cloning: Scientists make insulin-producing cells http://feedly.com/e/zdHiCsm0

Filipino activists protest Obama visit

Filipino activists protest Obama visit http://feedly.com/e/aVKQxEJ0

US thinks it can sanction all world

‘US thinks it can sanction all world’ http://feedly.com/e/u75gpeAJ

Gulf between Obama’s rhetoric, actions

'Gulf between Obama’s rhetoric, actions' http://feedly.com/e/r-XYvb8F

Israel is 'already an apartheid state'

Israel is 'already an apartheid state' http://feedly.com/e/RApDkvFw

Senin, 28 April 2014

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Palestinian unity government will recognize Israel: Abbas

Palestinian unity government will recognize Israel: Abbas http://feedly.com/e/FVnFeLkg

#KSA #Saudi princes in the King's private jet! The ummah lays impoverished and at the peril of these Rulers and...

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/460087109034835968

This is the result of the barrel bombs used by the regime in #Aleppo #Syria at the vegetable market

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/460078870528417793

US quietly increasing spies in Iraq

‘US quietly increasing spies in Iraq’ http://feedly.com/e/4OfID9AF

Muslims in CAR push for partition

Muslims in CAR push for partition http://feedly.com/e/uxcYHg3l

US 'tragically dominated’ by Israel lobby

US 'tragically dominated’ by Israel lobby http://feedly.com/e/ZGcB94J1

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Saudi princess calls for uprising

Saudi princess calls for uprising http://feedly.com/e/uq5x5y6g

MERS deaths reach 87 in Saudi Arabia

MERS deaths reach 87 in Saudi Arabia http://feedly.com/e/jpXVzgMD

Egypt police attack al-Azhar students

Egypt police attack al-Azhar students http://feedly.com/e/loQ8pjAd

Police make Syria plea to UK Muslim women

Police make Syria plea to UK Muslim women http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HTBrss/~3/cBLzP3qiHYo/police-make-syria-plea-to-uk-muslim-women

Children as young as ten taught how to spot radicalisation

Children as young as ten taught how to spot radicalisation http://feedly.com/e/6cDyc4qy

Muslim women asked to spy on their sons and husbands in order to fulfil UK policy in Syria

Muslim women asked to spy on their sons and husbands in order to fulfil UK policy in Syria http://feedly.com/e/yX_jlozW

Primary school teachers ‘could face sack’ for refusing to promote gay marriage

Primary school teachers ‘could face sack’ for refusing to promote gay marriage http://feedly.com/e/EV9qPvyt

Hizb ut Tahrir Tunisia Condemns the Kidnapping of Diplomats in Libya

Hizb ut Tahrir Tunisia Condemns the Kidnapping of Diplomats in Libya http://feedly.com/e/s0a15EOa

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Indonesia Terindikasi Jadi Objek 'Child Sex Tourism'

Indonesia Terindikasi Jadi Objek 'Child Sex Tourism' http://feedly.com/e/opmhlTiz

10 Anggota Front Kedaulatan Maluku RMS ditangkap polisi

10 Anggota Front Kedaulatan Maluku RMS ditangkap polisi http://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/10-anggota-front-kedaulatan-maluku-rms-ditangkap-polisi.html



Buronan pemimpin transisi separatis RMS ditangkap

Buronan pemimpin transisi separatis RMS ditangkap http://feedly.com/e/PrPUYR-7

#US military suicides worse than reported

US military suicides worse than reported http://feedly.com/e/I_84ctN6

Former drone pilot: #US could kill me

Former drone pilot: US could kill me http://feedly.com/e/QC97db1H

Nearly 5 million elderly go hungry in #US

Nearly 5 million elderly go hungry in US http://feedly.com/e/nF_vSISb

Diam-Diam Israel Dirikan Sinagog Sementara Di Sebelah Barat Al Aqsha

Diam-Diam Israel Dirikan Sinagog Sementara Di Sebelah Barat Al Aqsha http://feedly.com/e/cDfVdrGk

Tukang Sol Sepatu: 'Seperti Alas Kaki, Wong Cilik Cuma Jadi Pijakan Politisi'

Tukang Sol Sepatu: 'Seperti Alas Kaki, Wong Cilik Cuma Jadi Pijakan Politisi' http://feedly.com/e/m2wgjeRH

#US aims to ‘balkanize’ Russia

US aims to ‘balkanize’ Russia http://feedly.com/e/lCTA-eOq

#US, fascist allies behind Kiev crisis

‘US, fascist allies behind Kiev crisis’ http://feedly.com/e/FRKFAgv-

#US cyber attacks: breach of sovereignty

US cyber attacks: breach of sovereignty http://feedly.com/e/DP8x25ge

#Rohingya Muslims in dire conditions

'Rohingya Muslims in dire conditions' http://feedly.com/e/jpg-YR_G

Q&A: Is it Permissible for one of the Partners in a Company of Assets to Work as an Employee in Return for a Defined Wage in Addition to his Share of the Profit?

Q&A: Is it Permissible for one of the Partners in a Company of Assets to Work as an Employee in Return for a Defined Wage in Addition to his Share of the Profit? http://feedly.com/e/iwmQM3tP

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Rabu, 23 April 2014

US to resume military aid to Egypt

US to resume military aid to Egypt http://feedly.com/e/CimxhtyZ

Tony Blair: ‘West should focus on radical Islam’

Tony Blair: ‘West should focus on radical Islam’ http://feedly.com/e/mrU0z8-1

Warga Kuningan Ungkap Kejanggalan Proyek #Chevron

Warga Kuningan Ungkap Kejanggalan Proyek Chevron http://www.tempo.co/read/news/2014/04/23/078572516/Warga-Kuningan-Ungkap-Kejanggalan-Proyek-Chevron

India's Modi slams anti-Muslim remarks, ally remains defiant

India's Modi slams anti-Muslim remarks, ally remains defiant http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/KrQlJrsqQC8/story01.htm

US cannot stop China’s rising power

‘US cannot stop China’s rising power’ http://feedly.com/e/W_JAjKwf

#Obama heads to Asia to revive ‘pivot’

Obama heads to Asia to revive ‘pivot’ http://feedly.com/e/Q0YkQqa2

#US terror drone kills 2 in #Afghanistan

'US terror drone kills 2 in Afghanistan' http://feedly.com/e/rQUkJZXe

The Failure of the Muslim Armies to Overthrow the Current Regimes

The Failure of the Muslim Armies to Overthrow the Current Regimes http://feedly.com/e/tDc0LEBj

Selasa, 22 April 2014

5 Kenyataan pahit Indonesia penyumbang penduduk miskin dunia

5 Kenyataan pahit Indonesia penyumbang penduduk miskin dunia http://feedly.com/e/E1xYEZsY

Only close contact brings possibility of MERS infection, says expert

Only close contact brings possibility of MERS infection, says expert http://feedly.com/e/tOVA1nx-

Cameron criticised for saying Britain a Christian country

Cameron criticised for saying Britain a Christian country http://feedly.com/e/_PX6Ndno

Ron Paul: US government 'authoritarian

Ron Paul: US government 'authoritarian' http://feedly.com/e/EPc865Qo

Britain is neither a ‘plural society’ nor a ‘Christian country’ but has become liberal fundamentalist at state level

Britain is neither a ‘plural society’ nor a ‘Christian country’ but has become liberal fundamentalist at state level http://feedly.com/e/uDmd91Tn

Senin, 21 April 2014

Skandal Penjara Abu Ghraib Bukti Terbesar Kegagalan Amerika di Irak

Skandal Penjara Abu Ghraib Bukti Terbesar Kegagalan Amerika di Irak http://feedly.com/e/9NzqMkeX

Q&A: Punishment for non-payment of Zakat

Q&A: Punishment for non-payment of Zakat http://feedly.com/e/IR6ybWgd

Racist and Anti-female Attitudes are the Hallmarks of Russia's Proposed Sex-Discrimination Bill

Racist and Anti-female Attitudes are the Hallmarks of Russia's Proposed Sex-Discrimination Bill http://feedly.com/e/oB3T0dkl

About 50 killed in #Yemen drone strikes

Check out @PressTV's Tweet: https://twitter.com/PressTV/status/458160161358503937

US has become a police state

‘US has become a police state’ http://feedly.com/e/E2KO1Oe3

#US drones killing innocent civilians

‘US drones killing innocent civilians’ http://feedly.com/e/v32sD1ez

Kepentingan Penjajahan di Balik Sekolah-sekolah Asing

Kepentingan Penjajahan di Balik Sekolah-sekolah Asing http://feedly.com/e/BGpwia0r

Poverty, hunger, homelessness hit US

Poverty, hunger, homelessness hit US http://feedly.com/e/BI4Qftyf

Study: #US no longer a democracy

Study: US no longer a democracy http://feedly.com/e/cOhAy9dl

Forgotten lesson of #US financial crisis

Forgotten lesson of US financial crisis http://feedly.com/e/P-8h8ns9

Minggu, 20 April 2014

Seizure of Members of Hizb ut-Tahrir will not Prevent the Return of Khilafah to Pakistan

Seizure of Members of Hizb ut-Tahrir will not Prevent the Return of Khilafah to Pakistan http://feedly.com/e/es-H3plZ

HTM demo bantah lawatan Obama - Malaysia

HTM demo bantah lawatan Obama http://feedly.com/e/WnF2v4QV

4 Afghans die in US-led airstrike

4 Afghans die in US-led airstrike http://feedly.com/e/OHqk34Ej

Captain America and NSA spying

Captain America and NSA spying http://feedly.com/e/oTuQehfS

Napak Tilas Sejarah Islam di Indonesia - Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

Napak Tilas Sejarah Islam di Indonesia http://feedly.com/e/AkhVZisl

Warga Malaysia Tolak Obama

Warga Malaysia Tolak Obama http://feedly.com/e/7oSd-SfH

Laith Ghadanfar age 11 was martyred today by the regimes bombing of #Aleppo #Syria.

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/457519002533629952

In #Syria yesterday it was documented that 6 children had been made shaheed by the zalim regime....

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/457519001682190336

This is #Aleppo in #Syria earlier this morning adfter bombing by the zalim regime.

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/457513846467334144

It is Western Freedoms that Wreck Society The Foreign Office sharply reacted on Thursday 18 April 2014 to...

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/457499858991996928

#Syria: This is not Cinderella's shoe, it's a shoe of a girl whose abode is now Jannah insha'allah

Check out @Khilafahcom's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Khilafahcom/status/457493567737323520

"US ‘a destructive force in the world’

US ‘a destructive force in the world’ http://feedly.com/k/1iAtbDL

Deradikalisasi Media a la BNPT (2-Habis)

Deradikalisasi Media a la BNPT (2-Habis) http://feedly.com/e/2vNXtMfu

Deradikalisasi Media a la BNPT (1)

Deradikalisasi Media a la BNPT (1) http://feedly.com/e/GIiD51ha

Jumat, 18 April 2014

Dahlan pun Tidak Berdaya Tagih Dividen #Freeport

Dahlan pun Tidak Berdaya Tagih Dividen Freeport http://feedly.com/e/UbtRVy7Z

India : The Biggest Democratic Failure

India: The Biggest Democratic Failure http://feedly.com/e/C8GCas_i

Daftar kebohongan Freeport pada Indonesia

Daftar kebohongan Freeport pada Indonesia http://feedly.com/e/tTaGfbVE

U.S. special forces struggle with record suicides: admiral

U.S. special forces struggle with record suicides: admiral http://feedly.com/e/1vOBqqCx

#Syria rebels attack army barracks in Aleppo

Syria rebels attack army barracks in Aleppo http://feedly.com/e/3LFUg7Nf

The People of Sinai who Suffered Decades of Oppression are Exposed to Collective Punishment at the Hands of those Supposed to Defend them

The People of Sinai who Suffered Decades of Oppression are Exposed to Collective Punishment at the Hands of those Supposed to Defend them http://feedly.com/e/JPfA42tA

Rabu, 16 April 2014

The Secular Capitalist System Bears Primary Guilt for the Disappearance and Abuse of Turkey's Children

The Secular Capitalist System Bears Primary Guilt for the Disappearance and Abuse of Turkey's Children http://feedly.com/e/Dkvj-VOE

Moon turned blood red in total eclipse

Moon turned blood red in total eclipse http://feedly.com/e/QqU-ml0_

US air raid kills three Afghan civilians

US air raid kills three Afghan civilians http://feedly.com/e/2-A_dluz

US backs Ukraine offensive in east

US backs Ukraine offensive in east http://feedly.com/e/0OyrUjY7

NYPD ends spying program on Muslims

NYPD ends spying program on Muslims http://feedly.com/e/MwympvrJ

The Only Hope for Ridding the World of the Evil of Torture is the Return of the Noble Islamic Khilafah

The Only Hope for Ridding the World of the Evil of Torture is the Return of the Noble Islamic Khilafah http://feedly.com/e/u6S9DCip

Selasa, 15 April 2014

#US air force behind drones in #Pakistan

US air force behind drones in Pakistan http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/04/15/358646/a-us-air-force-behind-drones-in-pakistan/

#US democracy most apocryphal claim

'US democracy most apocryphal claim' http://feedly.com/e/mOxLGEPL

#Israel in secret talks with Arab states - #Saudi

‘Israel in secret talks with Arab states’ http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/04/15/358632/israel-in-secret-talks-with-arab-states/

How Dare They Even Suggest That Political Islam Has Failed?

How Dare They Even Suggest That Political Islam Has Failed? http://feedly.com/e/nHppYm5Q

#US turning #Ukraine into 'a little America'

US turning Ukraine into 'a little America' http://feedly.com/e/IW3gJpzO

Photos: Total lunar eclipses

Photos: Total lunar eclipses http://feedly.com/e/LBHsxJsM

US violated Native Americans rights

US violated Native Americans rights http://feedly.com/e/h1NxjJtl

Adultery is good for your marriage – if you don’t get caught, says infidelity website boss

Adultery is good for your marriage – if you don’t get caught, says infidelity website boss http://feedly.com/e/llU0N7SV

#US has 'epidemic of racial violence'

US has 'epidemic of racial violence' http://feedly.com/e/uakoYSXf

US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

US is an oligarchy, not a democracy http://feedly.com/e/3PV_3aKI

Tunisian Minister of Industry and British Ambassador flee Kerkennah after protests from the ummah

Tunisian Minister of Industry and British Ambassador flee Kerkennah after protests from the ummah http://feedly.com/e/vidNoTba

The Masjid by Hizb ut-Tahrir Palestine

The Masjid by Hizb ut-Tahrir Palestine http://feedly.com/e/uSvOsLYy

Senin, 14 April 2014

Saudi Arabia top Mideast arms purchaser

‘S Arabia top Mideast arms purchaser’ http://feedly.com/e/PICpzG0s

Scandal makes US rich grow stronger

Scandal makes US rich grow stronger http://feedly.com/e/r8KUaNxi

Taufik Hanya Dari Allah

Taufik Hanya Dari Allah http://feedly.com/e/5nJ7fRGr

Hati-hati Menebar Janji

Hati-hati Menebar Janji http://hizbut-tahrir.or.id/2014/04/14/hati-hati-menebar-janji/

The Libyan Foreign Minister tells Al-Hayaat News: I will take charge of the call for the return of the Monarchy

The Libyan Foreign Minister tells Al-Hayaat News: I will take charge of the call for the return of the Monarchy http://feedly.com/e/GPt7OgGN

"Q&A: Has America Washed its Hands of the Doha Agreement regarding Darfur?

Q&A: Has America Washed its Hands of the Doha Agreement regarding Darfur? http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/analysis/africa/18492-qaa-has-america-washed-its-hands-of-the-doha-agreement-regarding-darfur

Minggu, 13 April 2014

Capitalism simply isn't working and here are the reasons why

Capitalism simply isn't working and here are the reasons why http://feedly.com/e/Ld0dJC8M

Zaatari Refugee Camp Crisis: Is it not time for Muslims to Change All Four Tyrants of ash-Sham and Restore ash-Sham as the Core of Khilafah ?!

Zaatari Refugee Camp Crisis: Is it not time for Muslims to Change All Four Tyrants of ash-Sham and Restore ash-Sham as the Core of Khilafah?! http://feedly.com/e/54szOXJk

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Kamis, 10 April 2014

Minggu, 06 April 2014

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

The Jubilee Government in Kenya Tightens its Belt to Fight Islam and Muslims

The Jubilee Government in Kenya Tightens its Belt to Fight Islam and Muslims http://feedly.com/e/PGQsmZ-E

Ma’al Hadîts Syarîf: Pewaris Nabi Yang Masih Tersisa

Ma’al Hadîts Syarîf: Pewaris Nabi Yang Masih Tersisa http://feedly.com/e/4aZyQToJ

Sex abuse cost US Catholic Church $3bn

Sex abuse cost US Catholic Church $3bn http://feedly.com/e/PKrAllHO

Forget Ukraine, Syria is now the world’s biggest threat

Forget Ukraine, Syria is now the world’s biggest threat http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HTBrss/~3/dn2bkD4TqZc/forget-ukraine-syria-is-now-the-worlds-biggest-threat

Fort Hood Shooting Victims Include Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans

Fort Hood Shooting Victims Include Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans http://feedly.com/e/joXNhGHZ

Jumat, 04 April 2014

Report shows lacklustre performance by Indonesian legislators

Report shows lacklustre performance by Indonesian legislators http://feedly.com/e/WcWpC9pW

[FOTO] Silaturahim Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia bersama Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT)

[FOTO] Silaturahim Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia bersama Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT) http://feedly.com/e/QcOtaF-i

#US offers Algeria 'security’ assistance

US offers Algeria 'security’ assistance http://feedly.com/e/-zzMGfMc

#Crimea opposes autonomy for Tatars

Crimea opposes autonomy for Tatars http://feedly.com/e/1sJTllYM

Ft. Hood, PTSD & true cost of US wars

Ft. Hood, PTSD & true cost of US wars http://feedly.com/e/gTLAxCzk

Opt out of dollar and US Empire will die

Opt out of dollar and US Empire will die http://feedly.com/e/vPTlwoJF

#Egypt Brotherhood hits back at UK

Egypt Brotherhood hits back at UK http://feedly.com/e/kk7LnHSb

#‘US systematically violating human rights

‘US systematically violating human rights’ http://feedly.com/e/vYu33fnK

Egypt tightens laws to curb Morsi fans

Egypt tightens laws to curb Morsi fans http://feedly.com/e/Z3QzNL7H

Rohingyas facing total annihilation

‘Rohingyas facing total annihilation’ http://feedly.com/e/_VELHNov

Brief Islamic History of #Crimea in Pictures

Brief Islamic History of Crimea in Pictures http://feedly.com/e/RnBoi7i6

#Myanmar's Population Census and the UN-backed Criminal Conspiracy to wipe out 1.3 million #Rohingya Muslims from the map!

Myanmar's Population Census and the UN-backed Criminal Conspiracy to wipe out 1.3 million Rohingya Muslims from the map! http://feedly.com/e/L7YBH9gA

Scrutinising the Idea of the 'Beautiful' Woman

Scrutinising the Idea of the 'Beautiful' Woman http://feedly.com/e/VTkARy2g

Rabu, 02 April 2014

Islamic inheritance law in the dock

Islamic inheritance law in the dock http://feedly.com/e/vIX5-L5S

US killer drone hits south Yemen

US killer drone hits south Yemen http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/04/01/356807/us-assassination-drone-hits-south-yemen/

#US pyromaniacs to ignite war in Europe

‘US pyromaniacs to ignite war in Europe’ http://feedly.com/e/eGluAYuJ

Concern as #Brunei brings in system of Islamic law with punishments that include the dismemberment of limbs and stoning to death

Concern as Brunei brings in system of Islamic law with punishments that include the dismemberment of limbs and stoning to death http://feedly.com/e/M95PN0aZ

Climate inaction catastrophic

Climate inaction catastrophic http://feedly.com/e/PGOLYzVp

David Cameron orders inquiry into activities of Muslim Brotherhood

David Cameron orders inquiry into activities of Muslim Brotherhood http://feedly.com/e/QLMEo7Ca

Secret US Senate report details #CIA abuse

Secret US Senate report details CIA abuse http://feedly.com/e/WqZjoWUp