Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

China to deploy battalion to S Sudan

China to deploy battalion to S Sudan http://feedly.com/e/Q9KJ-kQ_

Christian mob ransacks mosque in CAR

Christian mob ransacks mosque in CAR http://feedly.com/e/Q4C-o063

Q&A: Sterilization

Q&A: Sterilization http://feedly.com/e/6l7DgrKX

British Citizen or Second-class Citizen?

British Citizen or Second-class Citizen? http://feedly.com/e/nGNAoGhb

Sudan: The Ruling on Apostasy and the Issue of Applying Shar'i Rules

Sudan: The Ruling on Apostasy and the Issue of Applying Shar'i Rules http://feedly.com/e/lTErJByM

Totalitarian Chinese Regime Continues its War on Islam by Shooting Demonstrators Protesting against Detention of Women and Girls for Wearing Islamic Dress

Totalitarian Chinese Regime Continues its War on Islam by Shooting Demonstrators Protesting against Detention of Women and Girls for Wearing Islamic Dress http://feedly.com/e/_I5tSXBQ

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

Pig DNA in #Cadbury bars: What you need to know

Pig DNA in Cadbury bars: What you need to know http://feedly.com/e/STBn6R2L

#Obama unveils US$5b anti-terrorism fund

Obama unveils US$5b anti-terrorism fund http://feedly.com/e/AltVzxP4

Malaysia's pig DNA controversy spreads beyond #Cadbury

Malaysia's pig DNA controversy spreads beyond Cadbury http://feedly.com/e/5aJOHM2z

BPOM Minta Masyarakat Waspada Isu Kandungan Babi Cokelat #Cadbury

BPOM Minta Masyarakat Waspada Isu Kandungan Babi Cokelat Cadbury http://feedly.com/e/mgY1Q3ZE

#US policies ‘contribute to extremism’

US policies ‘contribute to extremism’ http://feedly.com/e/9qPp-G4S

Economic inequality at #US universities

Economic inequality at US universities http://feedly.com/e/7J9S5lEk

#US troops' presence against Afghan will #Obama #Afghanistan

US troops' presence against Afghan will http://feedly.com/e/jz42ENTB

#Obama : #US interests entail military force

Obama: US interests entail military force http://feedly.com/e/V8jaVhM7

Tatarstan's Role in Russian Policy

Tatarstan's Role in Russian Policy http://feedly.com/e/MRkcp9ZI

Uzbek Intelligence Services Try to Assassinate #Kyrgyzstan Imam

Uzbek Intelligence Services Try to Assassinate Kyrgyzstan Imam http://feedly.com/e/RKMsiViU

Ain Al-Hilweh Fighting: Prohibited Blood in the Sacred Month!

Ain Al-Hilweh Fighting: Prohibited Blood in the Sacred Month! http://feedly.com/e/68ImyuDF

Nine Years Later, America offers false sympathy over #Andijan Massacre in #Uzbekistan ! - #US

Nine Years Later, America offers false sympathy over Andijan Massacre in Uzbekistan! http://feedly.com/e/j6LDr6cU

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

#Egypt still subservient to West

‘Egypt still subservient to West’ http://feedly.com/e/hM3ozsHl

Kutipan Jawaban Amir Hizbut Tahrir Bagi yang Menyatakan Menegakkan #Khilafah adalah Mimpi yang Mustahil - #IslamicKhilafahState #IndonesiaMilikAllah

Kutipan Jawaban Amir Hizbut Tahrir Bagi yang Menyatakan Menegakkan Khilafah adalah Mimpi yang Mustahil http://feedly.com/e/WX1R9_Ej

#Obama is warmonger, ‘serial liar’

Obama is warmonger, ‘serial liar’ http://feedly.com/e/JeBxRRX7

Sisi to protect #Israel, #US interests - #Egypt

‘Sisi to protect Israel, US interests’ http://feedly.com/e/LZm3R0TS

#US eyeing natural resources of Africa - #Obama

‘US eyeing natural resources of Africa’ http://feedly.com/e/WnopOBDI

#US wants 9,800 troops in #Afghanistan

US wants 9,800 troops in Afghanistan http://feedly.com/e/U78sLRkG

[FOTO] Konferensi Islam dan Perdaban (KIP) Yogyakarta - #IslamicKhilafahState #IndonesiaMilikAllah

[FOTO] Konferensi Islam dan Perdaban (KIP) Yogyakarta http://feedly.com/e/6gXtaVGa

Konferensi Islam dan Peradaban (KIP) 1435 H, Pangkalpinang - #IslamicKhilafahState #IndonesiaMilikAllah

Konferensi Islam dan Peradaban (KIP) 1435 H, Pangkalpinang http://feedly.com/e/gdQ5GQ65

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Remember 28th Rajab, the day #Khilafah was destroyed - #IndonesiaMilikAllah #IslamicKhilafahState

Remember 28th Rajab, the day Khilafah was destroyed http://feedly.com/e/sWLbz7ev

[FOTO] Puluhan Ribu Peserta Hadiri Konferensi Islam dan Peradaban (KIP) Bogor - #IndonesiaMilikAllah #IslamicKhilafahState

[FOTO] Puluhan Ribu Peserta Hadiri Konferensi Islam dan Peradaban (KIP) Bogor http://feedly.com/e/bkMp0j5i

Ust Harry Moekti Turun Membakar Semangat Peserta - #IndonesiaMilikAllah #IslamicKhilafahState

Ust Harry Moekti Turun Membakar Semangat Peserta http://feedly.com/e/fsEs8iB3

#Afghanistan part of US greater plot - #IslamicKhilafahState

‘Afghanistan part of US greater plot’ http://feedly.com/e/9Dgr_SWi

What can Muslims in the West do to help the work for re-establishing the Khilafah? - #IslamicKhilafahState

What can Muslims in the West do to help the work for re-establishing the Khilafah? http://feedly.com/e/QwBfMK8b

Jordan's Security Forces Arrest Brother Ali al-Deques in a Brutal & Spiteful Manner - #IslamicKhilafahState

Jordan's Security Forces Arrest Brother Ali al-Deques in a Brutal and Spiteful Manner http://feedly.com/e/AMvfmhzV

An Urgent Call from Masjid Al-Aqsa to the Islamic Ummah and the Muslim Armies - #IslamicKhilafahState

An Urgent Call from Masjid Al-Aqsa to the Islamic Ummah and the Muslim Armies http://feedly.com/e/MPvQU6jc

KIP Bogor: Demokrasi Sengsarakan Rakyat Indonesia - #IndonesiaMilikAllah

KIP Bogor: Demokrasi Sengsarakan Rakyat Indonesia http://feedly.com/e/gMnAMfZz

Suasana di Dalam Ruang KIP, Mengawali Acara KIP 1435 H - #IndonesiaMilikAllah

Suasana di Dalam Ruang KIP, Mengawali Acara KIP 1435 H http://hizbut-tahrir.or.id/2014/05/27/suasana-di-dalam-ruang-kip-mengawali-acara/

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

Manfaat Belajar Sejarah Hidup Nabi Muhammad

Manfaat Belajar Sejarah Hidup Nabi Muhammad http://feedly.com/e/w563XbHl

Ini Pesan #HTI Jelang Pilpres - #IndonesiaMilikAllah

Ini Pesan HTI Jelang Pilpres http://feedly.com/e/HioXnQgP

Nafāits Tsamarāt: #Khilafah Penjaga Agama dan Pengelola Dunia

Nafāits Tsamarāt: Khilafah Penjaga Agama dan Pengelola Dunia http://feedly.com/e/psXSR7w8

PETA: Militer Amerika Sekarang Hadir di Negara-negara Afrika Berikut - #Obama

PETA: Militer Amerika Sekarang Hadir di Negara-negara Afrika Berikut http://feedly.com/e/6K9G-DLg

#US drone strikes an 'undeclared war'

US drone strikes an 'undeclared war' http://feedly.com/e/ww2kpYwS

French battle Muslim fighters in CAR

French battle Muslim fighters in CAR http://feedly.com/e/BA1zWo5z

Hasina and Khaleda are Shamelessly Racing to become Trusted Servants of Modi

Hasina and Khaleda are Shamelessly Racing to become Trusted Servants of Modi http://feedly.com/e/Uo_5n03p

#Khilafah is Allah's Promise and the Prophecy of His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم

Khilafah is Allah's Promise and the Prophecy of His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم http://feedly.com/e/jN7DvuF4

The Consequences of Arresting Those Who Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil is Disgrace in this World and Severe Punishment in the Hereafter

The Consequences of Arresting Those Who Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil is Disgrace in this World and Severe Punishment in the Hereafter http://feedly.com/e/CEkElJvu

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Scathing report could shut Muslim school for promoting Salafi beliefs

Scathing report could shut Muslim school for promoting Salafi beliefs http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HTBrss/~3/bxr5X3Pakvg/scathing-report-could-shut-muslim-school-for-promoting-salafi-beliefs

Police brutality sparks protests in #US

Police brutality sparks protests in US http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/05/23/363877/police-brutality-sparks-protests-in-us/

Putin: US unipolar vision of world failed

‘US unipolar vision of world failed’ http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/05/23/363879/us-unipolar-vision-of-world-failed/

Escalating Anti-China Sentiments as China Expands Installation in Disputed Waters

Escalating Anti-China Sentiments as China Expands Installation in Disputed Waters http://feedly.com/e/4-VSlg4N

Meet the Baby Born to a Mom in a Coma

Meet the Baby Born to a Mom in a Coma http://feedly.com/e/kr8Dv85C

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

#US racial segregation raises concerns

US racial segregation raises concerns http://feedly.com/e/CjRD1EEa

Ma’al Hadīts asy-Syarīf: Pengelolaan Tanah

Ma’al Hadīts asy-Syarīf: Pengelolaan Tanah http://feedly.com/e/fKntpxyi

Darurat Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak: Di Mana Tanggung Jawab Negara?

Darurat Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak: Di Mana Tanggung Jawab Negara? http://feedly.com/e/T5JHEPH7

Napak Tilas Sejarah Islam di Indonesia - #Tanjungpinang

Napak Tilas Sejarah Islam di Indonesia http://feedly.com/e/ZPsEi5cx

Mendapatkan Ganjaran Karena Niat

Mendapatkan Ganjaran Karena Niat http://feedly.com/e/_IJiJzma

Q&A: Is the Murabahah contract Halal or Haram?

Q&A: Is the Murabahah contract Halal or Haram? http://feedly.com/e/5UNANvF2

In #Egypt, Who will be the West's Spearhead in the War on Islam?!

In Egypt, Who will be the West's Spearhead in the War on Islam?! http://feedly.com/e/D5bmzI9O

Kamis, 22 Mei 2014


BELAJAR SIKAP IHTIMAM/FOKUS DARI IMAM BUKHORI ( Bahan Muhasabah ) http://feedly.com/e/ESQe_pXG

Betapa Berharganya Ilmu Dalam Pandangan Para Salaf

Betapa Berharganya Ilmu Dalam Pandangan Para Salaf http://feedly.com/e/jxvDdMzX

Konferensi Bethlehem Palestina - #Khilafah

Konferensi Bethlehem Palestina http://feedly.com/e/B9re_tgg

They wish that you would conciliate them, then they too would be conciliating.

“They wish that you would conciliate them, then they too would be conciliating.” http://feedly.com/e/0tJPqff9

Ma’al Hadīts asy-Syarīf: Siapa Saja Yang Menjadikan Akhirat Misi Hidupnya

Ma’al Hadīts asy-Syarīf: Siapa Saja Yang Menjadikan Akhirat Misi Hidupnya

Seminar Rejab 1435H: Bagaimana Barat & Demokrasi Menghancurkan Islam

Seminar Rejab 1435H: Bagaimana Barat & Demokrasi Menghancurkan Islam http://feedly.com/e/4DMMvaH_

Rahasia 'Rumput Tetangga Lebih Hijau'

Rahasia Rumput Tetangga Lebih Hijau http://feedly.com/e/HWHqjgw2

The two major political parties in the United States, Republicans and Democrats, share the same international goals and support the richest one percent of the population, a journalist says

Both major US parties 'share same goals' http://feedly.com/e/UP1XZyOo

27 huge red flags for the #US economy

27 huge red flags for the US economy http://feedly.com/e/6VFFxBNj

Rotten Compromise: Secularising Muslims Through Engagement in the UK Political Process

Rotten Compromise: Secularising Muslims Through Engagement in the UK Political Process http://feedly.com/e/v1GzrMcd

The EU in line with the War against Islam, Declares War against the Immigrant Muslim People of #Syria, and Aligns with the Murderous Syrian Regime

The EU in line with the War against Islam, Declares War against the Immigrant Muslim People of Syria, and Aligns with the Murderous Syrian Regime http://feedly.com/e/_Po0Qvcr

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

AS dan Para Penguasa Bonekanya Perkuat Pengaruhnya di Kawasan Timur Tengah - #US #Obama

AS dan Para Penguasa Bonekanya Perkuat Pengaruhnya di Kawasan Timur Tengah http://feedly.com/e/hgdwxEJI

Buletin Dakwah Al Islam edisi 707 #IndonesiaMilikAllah Terapkan Syariah Allah

#IndonesiaMilikAllah Terapkan Syariah Allah http://feedly.com/e/5OiFIfit

Muslims and the Politics of Fear

Muslims and the Politics of Fear http://feedly.com/e/EJZb3UC6

Sudan Apostasy Issue: What is a Flagrant breach of law?

Sudan Apostasy Issue: What is a Flagrant breach of law? http://feedly.com/e/KD1q-wC2

American Colonialism is Destructive for #Afghanistan's Future - #US #Obama

American Colonialism is Destructive for Afghanistan's Future http://feedly.com/e/VmsaPNz8

Response to Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper Article: "The Islamic Hizb ut Tahrir... 62 Years of Disputes and Intellectual and Political 'Vagrancy'

Response to Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper Article: "The Islamic Hizb ut Tahrir... 62 Years of Disputes and Intellectual and Political 'Vagrancy'" http://feedly.com/e/nUeCNiOr

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

HTI : Pemilu Ibarat Menggantang Asap

HTI : Pemilu Ibarat Menggantang Asap http://feedly.com/e/GREf5byq

Nigeria is the West’s latest Colonial project

Nigeria is the West’s latest Colonial project http://feedly.com/e/0Banhjj0

Butcher of Gujrat Congratulated and Invited to Visit Pakistan

Butcher of Gujrat Congratulated and Invited to Visit Pakistan http://feedly.com/e/RnCufH0h

Japan says "no" to abolishing agricultural tariffs

Japan says "no" to abolishing agricultural tariffs http://feedly.com/e/f8h53JaX

Over 160,000 killed in Syria crisis

‘Over 160,000 killed in Syria crisis’ http://feedly.com/e/IO6C_GCr

US-Israel drill a 'scandal' for Americans

US-Israel drill a 'scandal' for Americans http://feedly.com/e/2ISLK6_4

‘Obama, UK puppet in Latin America’

‘Obama, UK puppet in Latin America’ http://feedly.com/e/YZpqJ_4r

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

America has become a gangster state - #US #Obama

'America has become a gangster state' http://feedly.com/e/LfyIIR3M

Silsilah (Rangkaian) Nasehat dan Bimbingan dalam Tarbiyatul Aulad

Silsilah (Rangkaian) Nasehat dan Bimbingan dalam Tarbiyatul Aulad http://salafy.or.id/blog/2014/04/24/silsilah-rangkaian-nasehat-dan-bimbingan-dalam-tarbiyatul-aulad/

Kisah Muallaf Suku Terasing Lauje

Kisah Muallaf Suku Terasing Lauje http://salafy.or.id/blog/2014/04/26/kisah-muallaf-suku-terasing-lauje/

Sesaat Yangantuk Bermanfaat, Sebuah Perenungan

SESAAT YANG BERMANFAAT, SEBUAH PERENUNGAN http://salafy.or.id/blog/2014/05/18/sesaat-yang-bermanfaat-sebuah-perenungan/

Pria Arab Saudi Membuat Kulkas Amal untuk Masyarakat Kelaparan

Pria Arab Saudi Membuat Kulkas Amal untuk Masyarakat Kelaparan http://feedly.com/e/rGcpah-d

Aktivitas Politik - Aktivitas Paling Tertinggi dan Teragung

Nafāits Tsamarāt: Aktivitas Politik Paling Tertinggi dan Teragung http://feedly.com/e/xtNVveKi

Nasionalisme Indonesia

Nasionalisme Indonesia http://feedly.com/e/BcP0KDcH

US, Israel begin huge military drill

US, Israel begin huge military drill http://feedly.com/e/xPODx6_m

US corporate media ignore the poor

US corporate media ignore the poor http://feedly.com/e/AA0edIDF

Head of Syria's air defenses killed

Head of Syria's air defenses killed http://feedly.com/e/BJFMQKwR

Al-Jarba Buys the Satisfaction of America with our Blood to become an Agent in Place of Bashar - Syria

Al-Jarba Buys the Satisfaction of America with our Blood to become an Agent in Place of Bashar http://feedly.com/e/BTVlJYsV

Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Turkey Offers Condolences to the Muslims for the Qadaa (Divine Decree) that Afflicted the Minerals Mine in Suma

Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Turkey Offers Condolences to the Muslims for the Qadaa (Divine Decree) that Afflicted the Minerals Mine in Suma http://feedly.com/e/6sFDoUkG

Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

Pesan Amir HT Atha Abu Rastah: Aktivitas Untuk Khilafah dan Jihad

Pesan Amir HT Atha Abu Rastah: Aktivitas Untuk Khilafah dan Jihad http://feedly.com/e/RCZgkYfw

Pesan Amir Hizbut Tahrir Atha Abu Rastah: Ya Allah, Saksikanlah! - #Egypt

Pesan Amir Hizbut Tahrir Atha Abu Rastah: Ya Allah, Saksikanlah! http://feedly.com/e/P5LYKeaU

Pesan Amir Hizbut Tahrir Atha Abu Rastah Kepada Kaum Muslim di Suriah

Pesan Amir Hizbut Tahrir Atha Abu Rastah Kepada Kaum Muslim di Suriah http://feedly.com/e/az5yAkHj

4 Bekal Untuk Menyambut #Ramadhan

4 Bekal Untuk Menyambut Ramadhan http://feedly.com/e/pZg_eM-h

Gitmo force-feeding 'brutal, torturous'

Gitmo force-feeding 'brutal, torturous' http://feedly.com/e/W1pI_NCg

The bloody war that doesn’t exist - US

The bloody war that doesn’t exist http://feedly.com/e/wb6z60-b

Money and Morality

Money and Morality http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/05/17/363058/money-and-morality/

Muslims in the West are between Regime Corruption in the Islamic World and the Hammer of Disbelieving Capitalism

Muslims in the West are between Regime Corruption in the Islamic World and the Hammer of Disbelieving Capitalism http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/the-khilafah/economy/18750-muslims-in-the-west-are-between-regime-corruption-in-the-islamic-world-and-the-hammer-of-disbelieving-capitalism

The Oil Derivatives Crisis in Yemen's Blessed Land

The Oil Derivatives Crisis in Yemen's Blessed Land http://feedly.com/e/GBp_yYQp

Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

Q&A: When trading in paper currency do we use the gold Nisaab or silver Nisaab for Zakat?

Q&A: When trading in paper currency do we use the gold Nisaab or silver Nisaab for Zakat? http://feedly.com/e/5y1HwP06

Poll: Majority do not trust US government

Poll: Majority do not trust US government http://feedly.com/e/eHIJrvFb

Congress takes from poor, gives to rich - US

Congress takes from poor, gives to rich http://feedly.com/e/6xy-m5OQ

UK wealth gap growing alarmingly

‘UK wealth gap growing alarmingly’ http://feedly.com/e/hUHEuO0Q

US war on Russia can spin out of control

US war on Russia can spin out of control http://feedly.com/e/lYhEAwJn

US drones: kill 16 year-old, get promotion

US drones: kill 16 year-old, get promotion http://feedly.com/e/K8mbotd7

Inside Park View academy: Religion row school ‘is victim of its success’

Inside Park View academy: Religion row school ‘is victim of its success’ http://feedly.com/e/Dcyzdnj2

US military manipulates Gitmo data

'US military manipulates Gitmo data' http://feedly.com/e/zGHG3ew5

Amnesty slams Israel for brutal killings

Amnesty slams Israel for brutal killings http://feedly.com/e/PHyrd2S9

Ukraine crisis similar to eve of WWI

‘Ukraine crisis similar to eve of WWI’ http://feedly.com/e/EWMbkvuY

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

US-led airstrike kills 15 in Afghanistan

US-led airstrike kills 15 in Afghanistan http://feedly.com/e/y60F0Cus

Sisi urges US military aid resumption - Egypt

Sisi urges US military aid resumption http://feedly.com/e/i0vtR0hC

Warisan Khilafah di Asia Tengah

Warisan Khilafah di Asia Tengah http://feedly.com/e/NH6QSB8k

Muslim Kritik Kampanye Penculikan Boko Haram Ibu Negara AS

Muslim Kritik Kampanye Penculikan Boko Haram Ibu Negara AS http://feedly.com/e/93_xLSaW

Pendeta Koptik Mesir : Sepertiga Peserta Demonstrasi Anti Mursi Tanggal 30 Juni Adalah Kristen Koptik

Pendeta Koptik Mesir : Sepertiga Peserta Demonstrasi Anti Mursi Tanggal 30 Juni Adalah Kristen Koptik http://feedly.com/e/PMvc9o3u

Pertamina Siap Kelola Blok Mahakam 100 Persen

Pertamina Siap Kelola Blok Mahakam 100 Persen http://feedly.com/e/s_lKjUdI

Exclusive: Egypt's Sisi asks for U.S. help in fighting terrorism

Exclusive: Egypt's Sisi asks for U.S. help in fighting terrorism http://feedly.com/e/tjfC_f_e

Clinton: Privilege to be friend of Israel

Clinton: Privilege to be friend of Israel http://feedly.com/e/Ppk-iQVl

Israel after Palestine ethnic cleansing

‘Israel after Palestine ethnic cleansing’ http://feedly.com/e/g0nD_08I

Eyes on 2016, Clinton ‘bows to Israel’

Eyes on 2016, Clinton ‘bows to Israel’ http://feedly.com/e/HvAGXMXe

Rezeki Sudah Dijamin, Sedangkan Nasib Di Akhirat Belum Ada Jaminan

Rezeki Sudah Dijamin, Sedangkan Nasib Di Akhirat Belum Ada Jaminan http://feedly.com/e/2k1JKdSQ

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

US hand in global torture exposed

US hand in global torture exposed http://feedly.com/e/TXlakOYc

#US spy killings show ‘arrogance, hubris’ - NSA

US spy killings show ‘arrogance, hubris’ http://feedly.com/e/ESrEqu-E

The Pure Zulfiyya Amonova and All who Tread this Path

The Pure Zulfiyya Amonova and All who Tread this Path http://feedly.com/e/izmXD7rb

Regime Decorates Jordan to Welcome the Pope While it Arrests the Advocates of Khilafah!

Regime Decorates Jordan to Welcome the Pope While it Arrests the Advocates of Khilafah! http://feedly.com/e/4bfsNgAv

Kawan baru Israel - al-Sisi

Kawan baru Israel http://www.merdeka.com/dunia/kawan-baru-israel.html

US has history’s largest spy network

‘US has history’s largest spy network’ http://feedly.com/e/NO95LUIq

UN copter used in E Ukraine: Video

UN copter used in E Ukraine: Video http://feedly.com/e/Wal4yX3I

Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir’s opening address to Sudan’s Lifeline conference

Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir’s opening address to Sudan’s Lifeline conference http://feedly.com/e/j9WCJbMz

Is There No One in Kyrgyzstan to Support the Prisoner Zulfiyya Amonova and Respond to Her Cries?

Is There No One in Kyrgyzstan to Support the Prisoner Zulfiyya Amonova and Respond to Her Cries? http://feedly.com/e/ftewUkCT

Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Demo Mahasiswa: Pileg 2014 itu cacat, bathil dan gagal

Demo Mahasiswa: Pileg 2014 itu cacat, bathil dan gagal http://feedly.com/e/qTkf_RJS

Israel armed to teeth with US arms

‘Israel armed to teeth with US arms’ http://feedly.com/e/-4LJXRF5

3 killed in US drone raid in Afghanistan

3 killed in US drone raid in Afghanistan http://feedly.com/e/cL16FDIm

US, NATO war moves trigger Cold War

‘US, NATO war moves trigger Cold War’ http://feedly.com/e/TKEAIFyD

‘The world should boycott the US

‘The world should boycott the US' http://feedly.com/e/chYoJuOW

American global state vs. past empires

American global state vs. past empires http://feedly.com/e/MwFD4vVK

ICC probes British Iraq war crimes

ICC probes British Iraq war crimes http://feedly.com/e/3eeT3XOK

McCain to Obama: Send forces to Nigeria

McCain to Obama:Send forces to Nigeria http://feedly.com/e/wOLTTyFs

Egypt forces attack Al-Azhar students http://feedly.com/e/qZKjXYrB

[Artikel Reuters] Mesir: Al-Sisi Gunakan Islam untuk Melawan Kelompok Islam

[Artikel Reuters] Mesir: Al-Sisi Gunakan Islam untuk Melawan Kelompok Islam http://feedly.com/e/guoT02EP

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

CIA 'kills people based on metadata'

CIA 'kills people based on metadata' http://feedly.com/e/9DzDIk8F

US Strengthens its Grip in Egypt through Sisi

US Strengthens its Grip in Egypt through Sisi http://feedly.com/e/xZSL4dDV

Secularists Use Abduction of Nigerian Girls as a Stick to Attack Ruling by Shariah

Secularists Use Abduction of Nigerian Girls as a Stick to Attack Ruling by Shariah http://feedly.com/e/efdKBQhC

Israeli spying report factual: Stein

Israeli spying report factual: Stein http://feedly.com/e/QCJq1KSF

US Zionists are traitors to America

‘US Zionists are traitors to America’ http://feedly.com/e/LmCzPa_l

Probe #NYPD spying on Muslims: CAIR

Probe NYPD spying on Muslims: CAIR http://feedly.com/e/D_MweJIr

Israel puts children in confinement

‘Israel puts children in confinement’ http://feedly.com/e/nwFNgcaL

Senin, 12 Mei 2014

#Israel possesses #nuclear weapons: Former #IAEA head

Check out @PressTV's Tweet: https://twitter.com/PressTV/status/465860363460689920

The #NSA’s corporate collaborators

The NSA’s corporate collaborators http://feedly.com/e/c0dc-PkF

Six killed in #US drone attack in Yemen

Six killed in US drone attack in Yemen http://feedly.com/e/rKyMfXqq

4 Alasan pemerintah bakal melempem soal renegosiasi tambang

4 Alasan pemerintah bakal melempem soal renegosiasi tambang http://feedly.com/e/kdleHPrA

RasulAllah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Reconciliation Amongst the Muslims is Permissible, Except a Reconciliation that Permits the Haram or Prohibits the Halal"

RasulAllah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Reconciliation Amongst the Muslims is Permissible, Except a Reconciliation that Permits the Haram or Prohibits the Halal" http://feedly.com/e/M_arUtqN

William Burns Visits Pakistan, Demanding a Military Operation in North Waziristan

William Burns Visits Pakistan, Demanding a Military Operation in North Waziristan http://feedly.com/e/ZK46gnug

Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Jangan Khawatirkan Rezekimu

Jangan Khawatirkan Rezekimu http://feedly.com/e/QJ3cWhyo

US police force Muslims into spying

‘US police force Muslims into spying’ http://feedly.com/e/CSqt0ojq

Yemen killing boosts anti-US sentiment

Yemen killing boosts anti-US sentiment http://feedly.com/e/wuYPvqSK

Algeria rejects US demand for base

Algeria rejects US demand for base http://feedly.com/e/_bSAUc8G

Al-Aqsa Mosque Cries out for the Ummah and its Armies to Establish the Khilafah and Liberate the Blessed Land

Al-Aqsa Mosque Cries out for the Ummah and its Armies to Establish the Khilafah and Liberate the Blessed Land http://feedly.com/e/raNiwbJ5

Khilafah is the True Future for Moro Muslims in the Southern Philippines, Not the Democratic Peace Agreement which is Loaded with Imperial Interests!

Khilafah is the True Future for Moro Muslims in the Southern Philippines, Not the Democratic Peace Agreement which is Loaded with Imperial Interests! http://feedly.com/e/_dFMpcWi

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

Israel liability, threat to US

‘Israel liability, threat to US’ http://feedly.com/e/bORlyIsf

Johnson aware of Blair lies on Iraq war

Johnson aware of Blair lies on Iraq war http://feedly.com/e/8aciZTK3

US, Israel stealing Africa resources

‘US, Israel stealing Africa resources’ http://feedly.com/e/j2_S5YJW

Study: 1 in 4 US veterans going hungry

Study: 1 in 4 US veterans going hungry http://feedly.com/e/M8-uqa7W

NSA, Google had close relationship

NSA, Google had close relationship http://feedly.com/e/TSHb7vEK

CIA aided polio’s comeback - Pakistan

CIA aided polio’s comeback http://feedly.com/e/p4cRn199

USA Freedom Act is just a ‘Trojan horse’

USA Freedom Act is just a ‘Trojan horse’ http://feedly.com/e/-XEsdmhV

Uzbek Intelligence Roams #Kyrgyzstan looking to kill Muslims

Uzbek Intelligence Roams Kyrgyzstan looking to kill Muslims http://feedly.com/e/qyXB2rft

Q&A: The Western Sahara Issue

Q&A: The Western Sahara Issue http://feedly.com/e/CG0qP-UB

Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Nigeria Muslims Decry Girls Abduction

Nigeria Muslims Decry Girls Abduction http://feedly.com/e/mRzcKn1H

Israeli spying on US at alarming level: report

Israeli spying on US at alarming level: report http://feedly.com/e/_VLXbVon

Death toll hits 43 in NE India attacks on Muslims

Death toll hits 43 in NE India attacks on Muslims http://feedly.com/e/qlbqDOHX

#US drone kills 7 in east Afghanistan

US drone kills 7 in east Afghanistan http://feedly.com/e/Uy73ZQwY

Badakhshan Landslide Disaster Exposes Inaction of Democratic Leaders - Afghanistan

Badakhshan Landslide Disaster Exposes Inaction of Democratic Leaders http://feedly.com/e/ODpZwjo_

US raises concerns over Brunei sharia penal code

US raises concerns over Brunei sharia penal code http://feedly.com/e/0A9JSAYK

US worse than gangster state: Analyst

US worse than gangster state: Analyst http://feedly.com/e/As_5Qa_r

Corruption endemic in Saudi Arabia

'Corruption endemic in Saudi Arabia' http://feedly.com/e/fCYPh7Ka

US plans to expand AFRICOM: Analyst

US plans to expand AFRICOM: Analyst http://feedly.com/e/Y521Ox9l

No NSA bill can stop US spying: Analyst

No NSA bill can stop US spying: Analyst http://feedly.com/e/Qi0oYXCd

Israel 'crossed red lines' in US spying

Israel 'crossed red lines' in US spying http://feedly.com/e/MOfKOk0l

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Barisan Generasi Kaum Luth dari Sukabumi Sampai Vatikan

Barisan Generasi Kaum Luth dari Sukabumi Sampai Vatikan http://feedly.com/e/dNr_NNxQ


BERSEMANGAT UNTUK MEMPELAJARI AGAMA YANG HAQ (Sebuah Renungan) http://feedly.com/e/uW5zabS1

Jangan Cuek Ketika Melihat Maksiat

Jangan Cuek Ketika Melihat Maksiat http://feedly.com/e/MkPo1S-G

"Kambing, Walaupun Telah Terbang"

Kambing, Walaupun Telah Terbang http://feedly.com/e/ofpLct-X

Ukraine another CIA coup victim

‘Ukraine another CIA coup victim’ http://feedly.com/e/XIFGSIY4

US serves bankers, corporations

‘US serves bankers, corporations’ http://feedly.com/e/0hq1B3Fo

US troops will remain in African base

US troops will remain in African base http://feedly.com/e/oUjCLGlX

UN body grills Vatican over sex abuse

UN body grills Vatican over sex abuse http://feedly.com/e/vINr4nG8

Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Kerry is wrong: Israel already apartheid

Kerry is wrong: Israel already apartheid http://feedly.com/e/WJ-7l4W8

Tyrant Hasina, Daughter of a Tyrant, is trying to create a "Fir'auni State" through Abductions, Forced Disappearances and Killings

Tyrant Hasina, Daughter of a Tyrant, is trying to create a "Fir'auni State" through Abductions, Forced Disappearances and Killings http://feedly.com/e/9t19F4wY

Response to the article "Khilafah of Skulls" published on at-Talee'ah website

Response to the article "Khilafah of Skulls" published on at-Talee'ah website http://feedly.com/e/q1Z2a5y-

Women of Hizb ut Tahrir Organise International Campaign Against the Criminal Detention of Zulfiyya Amonova by the Tyrant Kyrgyzstan Regime

Women of Hizb ut Tahrir Organise International Campaign Against the Criminal Detention of Zulfiyya Amonova by the Tyrant Kyrgyzstan Regime http://feedly.com/e/Lft98LEf

Obama foreign policy invites conflict

Obama foreign policy invites conflict http://feedly.com/e/unaT5gkC

A new Press TV report criticizes the international community’s silence over the massacre of Muslims in many countries, including Myanmar, Sri Lanka and the Central African Republic.

Intl. community mum on Muslim carnage http://feedly.com/e/kFKhVzZz

Rohingya muslims face crisis in India

Rohingya muslims face crisis in India http://feedly.com/e/OSW4c6fE

MHTI: Negara Wajib Melindungi Anak dari Segala Bentuk Kekerasan & Pelecehan

MHTI: Negara Wajib Melindungi Anak dari Segala Bentuk Kekerasan & Pelecehan http://feedly.com/e/TA6UYqEu

Nearly 102mn Americans are jobless

Nearly 102mn Americans are jobless http://feedly.com/e/I-BTeCDO

Study: US maternal deaths rising

Study: US maternal deaths rising http://feedly.com/e/rBJyLr4i

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

Tak Perlu Sedih dengan Status Ibu Rumah Tangga

Tak Perlu Sedih dengan Status Ibu Rumah Tangga http://muslim.or.id/muslimah/tak-perlu-sedih-dengan-status-ibu-rumah-tangga.html

Authorities in #Russia Continue the Oppressive War Against Islam and Muslims!

Authorities in Russia Continue the Oppressive War Against Islam and Muslims! http://feedly.com/e/3ubJIOrK

West puts world on verge of WWIII

‘West puts world on verge of WWIII’ http://feedly.com/e/UEC0YxtG

US racism from Redskins to drones

US racism from Redskins to drones http://feedly.com/e/qDwZV64P

More Americans joining Syria militants

‘More Americans joining Syria militants’ http://feedly.com/e/dbhf4V4n

Clashes in Egypt leave 11 dead

Clashes in Egypt leave 11 dead http://feedly.com/e/IU0Lr5LX

5 Things to Know About the MERS Virus Now That It's Here

5 Things to Know About the MERS Virus Now That It's Here http://feedly.com/e/c4nxUDbm

Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

#Myanmar Muslims face health crisis

‘Myanmar Muslims face health crisis’ http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/05/02/360980/myanmar-muslims-face-health-crisis/

(Kutipan) Analisis Politik Amir Hizbut Tahrir : India Tetap Menjadi Negara Subordinat Barat

(Kutipan) Analisis Politik Amir Hizbut Tahrir : India Tetap Menjadi Negara Subordinat Barat http://feedly.com/e/D00ggze1

We baptize terrorists by waterboarding

'We baptize terrorists by waterboarding' http://feedly.com/e/P6O9jcXz

#AIPAC controlling US foreign policy - #Israel

‘AIPAC controlling US foreign policy’ http://feedly.com/e/lxGCATY7

Upcoming Malaysia Conference: "Save Women and Children with the Implementation of Shariah under Khilafah"

Upcoming Malaysia Conference: "Save Women and Children with the Implementation of Shariah under Khilafah" http://feedly.com/e/gAiruHv7

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Sex trafficking of children growing in US

Sex trafficking of children growing in US http://feedly.com/e/r2XSRMIj

US colleges ‘notorious’ for sex assaults

US colleges ‘notorious’ for sex assaults http://feedly.com/e/lABv9Qvz

Erdogan Segera Umumkan Normalisasi Hubungan Dengan #Israel

Erdogan Segera Umumkan Normalisasi Hubungan Dengan Israel http://feedly.com/e/GpM4yVpJ

Sekali Lagi, Keputusan Pengadilan Yang Keras Untuk Mengintimidasi dan Menakut-nakuti

Sekali Lagi, Keputusan Pengadilan Yang Keras Untuk Mengintimidasi dan Menakut-nakuti http://feedly.com/e/sFPC4rEK

Obituary of a Dawah Carrier in Turkey

Obituary of a Dawah Carrier in Turkey http://feedly.com/e/nOW1c8hv

Antibiotics losing effectiveness: WHO

Antibiotics losing effectiveness: WHO http://feedly.com/e/YhQ0CGWm

Muslim Afrika Tengah Tinggalkan Wilayah Yang Terkurung di Bangui, Massa Menjarah Masjid

Muslim Afrika Tengah Tinggalkan Wilayah Yang Terkurung di Bangui, Massa Menjarah Masjid http://feedly.com/e/oi7NQ70M

Amaanov Zulfia: Ayahnya Diculik, Disiksa, dan Dibunuh, Kini Ia pun Ditangkap!

Amaanov Zulfia: Ayahnya Diculik, Disiksa, dan Dibunuh, Kini Ia pun Ditangkap! http://feedly.com/e/_AuehqCo

Wikipedia edit from government computer added Muslim insult

Wikipedia edit from government computer added Muslim insult http://feedly.com/e/jx8VZlX4

The ‘Trojan Horse’ Plot And Exposing The Cracks of Liberal Secular Values

The ‘Trojan Horse’ Plot And Exposing The Cracks of Liberal Secular Values http://feedly.com/e/IJdwW-_o