Ferguson everywhere now http://feedly.com/e/EaOR1oaV
Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014
Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014
Top 35 militaries in the world! You wouldn't have thought from Gaza, a quarter are in the Muslim world
Lihat Tweet @ChangeRegimes: https://twitter.com/ChangeRegimes/status/504659138023272449
Rotherham abuse reveals poor nothing
Rotherham abuse reveals poor nothing http://feedly.com/e/XAr-KKPX
Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014
Palestinian resistance defeats Israel
‘Palestinian resistance defeats Israel’ http://feedly.com/e/jzQ8ptz5
Leaving or entering Singapore? Note the change in cash you can carry
Leaving or entering Singapore? Note the change in cash you can carry http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/leaving-or-entering/1331684.html
Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014
US policies can result in next World War
US policies can result in next World War http://feedly.com/e/z6-RQKnp
Experts Scramble to Identify James Foley's Killer, Masked Man likely British
Experts Scramble to Identify James Foley's Killer, Masked Man likely British http://feedly.com/e/C0HSVr60
Enough of the Hundreds of Resolutions for Palestine! Now is the Time for Khilafah and Jihad as a Solution
Enough of the Hundreds of Resolutions for Palestine! Now is the Time for Khilafah and Jihad as a Solution http://feedly.com/e/Y0tmNhP2
Senin, 25 Agustus 2014
Behind Indonesia mining deal, newly minted minister and U.S. mining legend
Behind Indonesia mining deal, newly minted minister and U.S. mining legend http://feedly.com/e/B5KQJ6yn
HTI : ada fenomena menakut-nakuti penegakan Khilafah
HTI : ada fenomena menakut-nakuti penegakan Khilafah http://feedly.com/e/BS68emB8
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014
Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014
Israel attack kills family of 5 in Gaza
Israel attack kills family of 5 in Gaza http://feedly.com/e/lH6yP-jr
UK schools see rise in rape reports
UK schools see rise in rape reports http://feedly.com/e/PSM-xvyo
Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014
More Britons suffering from malnutrition
More Britons suffering from malnutrition http://feedly.com/e/MFbswjFW
PT Freeport 2 tahun tak bayar dividen, pemerintah hanya bisa kesal
PT Freeport 2 tahun tak bayar dividen, pemerintah hanya bisa kesal - http://arrahmah.com/news/2014/08/22/pt-freeport-enggan-bayar-deviden-pemerintah-hanya-bisa-kesal.html
Soal Jawab: Perlakuan Khilafah Terhadap Non Muslim Dalam Hal Makanan dan Pakaian
Soal Jawab: Perlakuan Khilafah Terhadap Non Muslim Dalam Hal Makanan dan Pakaian http://hizbut-tahrir.or.id/2014/08/22/soal-jawab-perlakuan-khilafah-terhadap-non-muslim-dalam-hal-makanan-dan-pakaian/
Intoleran, siswi SD diancam dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena berjilbab
Intoleran, siswi SD diancam dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena berjilbab - http://arrahmah.com/news/2014/08/22/intoleran-siswi-sd-diancam-dikeluarkan-dari-sekolah-karena-berjilbab.html
US warships in Pacific for emergencies
US warships in Pacific for emergencies http://feedly.com/e/ceLatR8Y
Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014
Vatican tight-lipped on accused pedophile priests
Vatican tight-lipped on accused pedophile priests http://feedly.com/e/SGUp9TVv
Tinggalkan Konsep Smart and Resilience Cities Liberal Terapkan Konsep Smart and Resilience Cities Khilafah
Tinggalkan Konsep Smart and Resilience Cities Liberal Terapkan Konsep Smart and Resilience Cities Khilafah http://hizbut-tahrir.or.id/2014/08/21/tinggalkan-konsep-smart-and-resilience-cities-liberal-terapkan-konsep-smart-and-resilience-cities-khilafah/
Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014
@korantempo: Ulama NU Jawa Timur Tolak Pelegalan Aborsi http://t.co/LzBEj6SmEV
UN: ‘Apartheid is flourishing’ across US
UN: ‘Apartheid is flourishing’ across US http://feedly.com/e/nYPRBMjt
Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014
Revolutions to Nowhere
Revolutions to Nowhere http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HTBrss/~3/aQCZZEWUwD8/revolutions-to-nowhere
Amnesty: US 'dictators quelling dissent'
Amnesty: US 'dictators quelling dissent' http://feedly.com/e/AU9sSLLN
Senin, 18 Agustus 2014
Hizbut Tahrir Critizes Govt Regulation on Reproduction Health
Hizbut Tahrir Critizes Govt Regulation on Reproduction Health http://feedly.com/e/_hhC388B
US aid to Israel exceeds $100 billion
US aid to Israel exceeds $100 billion http://feedly.com/e/6a2jT8q4
The Kaaba, Mecca, in 1889
1950 United Nations map of Palestine
1950 United Nations map of Palestine
Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014
One of the oldest existing manuscripts of the Quran: the Sana'a Manuscript. Written before 671 CE
Being confident in your own work, demonstrated by lumberjacks from Humboldt County, California. 1900s.
Map of Palestine from a 1947 issue of National Geographic
Californian lumberjacks working in the Redwoods. These trees had lived for thousands of years
Kaabah, Makkah Al-Mukarramah c1800s
Ottoman artillery in action in Palestine 1917 during World War I
The Great Mosque of Gaza in the late 1800s
And today, destroyed by Israeli bombing...
Baghdad, Iraq, 1965
@HistoricalPics: In the interior of the Hagia Sophia in the early 1900s, when it was still used as a mosque. http://t.co/OK61VfldUG
Q&A: The Banner and Flag of Islam used by the Khulafa’ al-Rashidun
Q&A: The Banner and Flag of Islam used by the Khulafa’ al-Rashidun http://feedly.com/e/wjLIOIKd
US still funding repression in Egypt
US still funding repression in Egypt http://feedly.com/e/MoH1EDX6
flares in riot-hit US town
One shot, seven arrested as violence flares in riot-hit US town http://feedly.com/e/aq8UxCWm
The Country that First Used Machine Guns in Aerial Warfare against Kurdish Women and Children Will Now Supply Arms to Kurdish Forces Fighting ISIS
The Country that First Used Machine Guns in Aerial Warfare against Kurdish Women and Children Will Now Supply Arms to Kurdish Forces Fighting ISIS http://feedly.com/e/6Uxgeszd
Pembunuhan massal berlanjut di Mesir
Pembunuhan massal berlanjut di Mesir - http://arrahmah.com/news/2014/08/17/pembunuhan-massal-berlanjut-di-mesir.html
People in the United States are suffering from ‘institutionalized racism’ and the rise of violence in the country, an analyst tells Press TV.
Corporations run US corrupt system
‘Corporations run US corrupt system’ http://feedly.com/e/iCgt9ju9
Felix Siauw: Intoleransi Pelarangan Kerudung di Bali
Felix Siauw: Intoleransi Pelarangan Kerudung di Bali http://feedly.com/e/Mo1JE6wH
US’ ISIL threat claim ‘dishonest ploy
Muslim student murdered in UK for hijab
US Muslims sue govt. over terror list
Major #UK retailer to sell school hijabs
In many US towns, cops are 'terrorists'
In many US towns, cops are 'terrorists' http://feedly.com/e/E9KTIYFd
Bangladesh holds anti-Israeli rally
Bangladesh holds anti-Israeli rally http://feedly.com/e/i3u_QC6t