Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

HTI: 19 Situs Diblokir, Pemerintah Tak Cerdik Urai Masalah

HTI: 19 Situs Diblokir, Pemerintah Tak Cerdik Urai Masalah

Akhirnya, Pesawat-pesawat Para Penguasa Agen Bergerak. Namun, Kemana? Mereka Bergerak untuk Membunuh Kaum Muslim, Bukan untuk Memerangi Musuh!

Akhirnya, Pesawat-pesawat Para Penguasa Agen Bergerak. Namun, Kemana? Mereka Bergerak untuk Membunuh Kaum Muslim, Bukan untuk Memerangi Musuh!

Crisis in Yemen: Pakistan Army should Intervene in Muslim World, but for Islam and Khilafah, not for Political Agendas of US and its Puppets

Crisis in Yemen: Pakistan Army should Intervene in Muslim World, but for Islam and Khilafah, not for Political Agendas of US and its Puppets

It is only the Sharia Law that secures the rights of women, NOT Females in positions of power

It is only the Sharia Law that secures the rights of women, NOT Females in positions of power

Stop your Wars in Yemen and the Region and Direct Operation Decisive Storm towards the Jewish entity, the Usurpers of the Ascension of the Prophets

Stop your Wars in Yemen and the Region and Direct Operation Decisive Storm towards the Jewish entity, the Usurpers of the Ascension of the Prophets

Senin, 30 Maret 2015

MUI: Sudah Waktunya Densus 88 Dibubarkan

MUI: Sudah Waktunya Densus 88 Dibubarkan

MUI: Sudah Waktunya Densus 88 Dibubarkan

MUI: Sudah Waktunya Densus 88 Dibubarkan

Serbu Pesantren, Densus 88 Antipati Umat Islam

Serbu Pesantren, Densus 88 Antipati Umat Islam

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Negara Diurus Layaknya Perusahaan Pribadi

Negara Diurus Layaknya Perusahaan Pribadi

Finally the fighter jets of the agent rulers mobilize but only to kill Muslims, not to fight the enemies!

Finally the fighter jets of the agent rulers mobilize but only to kill Muslims, not to fight the enemies!

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Harga Premium Indonesia Lebih Mahal Ketimbang Pertamax di Malaysia

Harga Premium Indonesia Lebih Mahal Ketimbang Pertamax di Malaysia

A Delegation of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan Meets Al-Ma'alia Tribe Chieftain and His Deputy in Khartoum

A Delegation of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan Meets Al-Ma'alia Tribe Chieftain and His Deputy in Khartoum

In 1300 years of Khilafah not a single woman was burnt to death by a mob

In 1300 years of Khilafah not a single woman was burnt to death by a mob

Freedom of Speech Spearheads the War on Religion

Freedom of Speech Spearheads the War on Religion

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia: Kami Menolak Keberadaan ISIS

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia: Kami Menolak Keberadaan ISIS

Egyptian and Sudanese Regimes Sign a New Conspiring Document with Ethiopia to Plunder the Wealth of the Nation

Egyptian and Sudanese Regimes Sign a New Conspiring Document with Ethiopia to Plunder the Wealth of the Nation

Hudud: Take Heed O Legislators, Supporters and Opposition!

Hudud: Take Heed O Legislators, Supporters and Opposition!

Wilayah Turkey: The Syrian Revolution in its Fifth Year; We are with you and will remain with you against the crusader Alliance!

Wilayah Turkey: The Syrian Revolution in its Fifth Year; We are with you and will remain with you against the crusader Alliance!

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

To the International Union of Muslim Scholars: Fear Allah, and Stop Drumming for the Incapable (Ruwaibidah) Rulers

To the International Union of Muslim Scholars: Fear Allah, and Stop Drumming for the Incapable (Ruwaibidah) Rulers

O People of Ash-Sham... On the Fourth Anniversary of Your Revolution We Say to You: We are With You and We Will Stay with You in Spite of the Crusader Alliance and the Traitors Collaborating with it

O People of Ash-Sham... On the Fourth Anniversary of Your Revolution We Say to You: We are With You and We Will Stay with You in Spite of the Crusader Alliance and the Traitors Collaborating with it

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Jubir HTI: “Pernyataan (As’ad Ali) Ngawur, Seratus Persen Salah, Dusta, Fitnah!”

Jubir HTI: “Pernyataan (As’ad Ali) Ngawur, Seratus Persen Salah, Dusta, Fitnah!”

Solusi bagi Perempuan Indonesia adalah ISLAM, bukan Konsep Kesetaraan Gender yang Sekuler!

Solusi bagi Perempuan Indonesia adalah ISLAM, bukan Konsep Kesetaraan Gender yang Sekuler!

Taji Mustafa: Theresa May brands Muslim Community ‘Extremist’

Taji Mustafa: Theresa May brands Muslim Community ‘Extremist’

Implementing GST is Oppressive and Haram!

Implementing GST is Oppressive and Haram!

Bombing of Mosques and Killing of Worshipers is a Crime that Angers Allah and His Messenger and Achieves the Kaffir colonialists' Goals

Bombing of Mosques and Killing of Worshipers is a Crime that Angers Allah and His Messenger and Achieves the Kaffir colonialists' Goals

A Message to the People of Indonesia

A Message to the People of Indonesia

Indeed Khilafah is on the Horizon

Indeed Khilafah is on the Horizon

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

’Muslims are not gods on earth’

’Muslims are not gods on earth’

Raheel-Nawaz Regime is Endorsing China's Role in Afghanistan at America's Behest

Raheel-Nawaz Regime is Endorsing China's Role in Afghanistan at America's Behest

Ameen Awad Al-Kareem's Arrest in Sudan is a Repeat of the Tyrants' Methods Who Fight Ideas with Repression

Ameen Awad Al-Kareem's Arrest in Sudan is a Repeat of the Tyrants' Methods Who Fight Ideas with Repression

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Turkey Participates in the Coalition's War on Syria and Iraq by Tightening its Grip on the Oppressed by Closing the Border with Syria

Turkey Participates in the Coalition's War on Syria and Iraq by Tightening its Grip on the Oppressed by Closing the Border with Syria

O Oppressive Turkish State! Do you Fear the "System of Islam" Book Issued by Hizb ut Tahrir!?

O Oppressive Turkish State! Do you Fear the "System of Islam" Book Issued by Hizb ut Tahrir!?

Neglecting the Accountability of Rulers

Neglecting the Accountability of Rulers

Tafseer Surah Al-Baqarah: Verses 120-123

Tafseer Surah Al-Baqarah: Verses 120-123

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Q&A: Latest Political Developments in Syria

Q&A: Latest Political Developments in Syria

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Media Umat edisi 147: Inilah 'Prestasi' Jokowi #IndonesiaKitaTerancam

Media Umat edisi 147:
Inilah 'Prestasi' Jokowi


Indonesia Kita Terancam

#IndonesiaKitaTerancam : Indonesia Kita Terancam [2015] YouTube

'Prevent' is not just a toxic brand, it is a toxic agenda that needs challenging

'Prevent' is not just a toxic brand, it is a toxic agenda that needs challenging

Sharm el-Sheikh Economic Conference Will Not Fix What Was Marred by the Capitalist System

Sharm el-Sheikh Economic Conference Will Not Fix What Was Marred by the Capitalist System

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Jangankan usir asing, tagih deviden PT Freeport saja pemerintah Jokowi JK tak berani

Jangankan usir asing, tagih deviden PT Freeport saja pemerintah Jokowi JK tak berani

Arim Nasim Kritik JK Soal Pembiayaan Listrik 35 GW

Arim Nasim Kritik JK Soal Pembiayaan Listrik 35 GW

Lawatan Kunjungan HTI Batam ke Jajaran Polda Kepri

Lawatan Kunjungan HTI Batam ke Jajaran Polda Kepri

Soal Jawab: Entitas Yahudi dan Kelekatannya Dengan Amerika!

Soal Jawab: Entitas Yahudi dan Kelekatannya Dengan Amerika!

The De Mistura Plan is a US Plan to Squander the Revolution and Turn its Compass to Factions Infighting Instead of Overthrowing Bashar

The De Mistura Plan is a US Plan to Squander the Revolution and Turn its Compass to Factions Infighting Instead of Overthrowing Bashar

Joko spares lives of 3 murderers

Joko spares lives of 3 murderers

Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Tiongkok akan Ubah Aturan Soal Keturunan

Tiongkok akan Ubah Aturan Soal Keturunan

Siap-siap Harga Bensin akan Naik (Lagi)

Siap-siap Harga Bensin akan Naik (Lagi)

Siap-siap Harga Bensin akan Naik (Lagi)

Siap-siap Harga Bensin akan Naik (Lagi)

Prescott Links Blair 'Crusades' To Radicalisation

Prescott Links Blair 'Crusades' To Radicalisation

Lord Prescott says Tony Blair’s ‘bloody crusades’ radicalised Muslims

Lord Prescott says Tony Blair’s ‘bloody crusades’ radicalised Muslims

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Sudan Presents an Islamic Political Vision to Resolve the Issues of Darfur and Kordofan

Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Sudan Presents an Islamic Political Vision to Resolve the Issues of Darfur and Kordofan

Women under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths - Women and their Judicial Rights

Women under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths - Women and their Judicial Rights

Masjid Agung Al Hikmah, #Tanjungpinang di waktu subuh

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Persecution against Hizb ut-Tahrir won't stop establishment of Khilafah

Persecution against Hizb ut-Tahrir won't stop establishment of Khilafah

Obituary of a Dawah Carrier in Syria

Obituary of a Dawah Carrier in Syria

PM vows Islamist crackdown

PM vows Islamist crackdown

Menemani Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi Wasallam Di Surga

Menemani Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi Wasallam Di Surga

Perang Politik, Media dan Opini Publik

Perang Politik, Media dan Opini Publik

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

10 Things You Need to Know about Syria

10 Things You Need to Know about Syria

Kasus KDRT Tanjungpinang Tertinggi Setelah Narkoba

Kasus KDRT Tanjungpinang Tertinggi Setelah Narkoba

America's Strategy to Consolidate Itself in East Africa

America's Strategy to Consolidate Itself in East Africa

The Rise and Fall of any Nation is because of their Ideology

The Rise and Fall of any Nation is because of their Ideology

Jews to ‘pay with blood’: cleric

Jews to ‘pay with blood’: cleric

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

New mosque to be built at Tampines North

New mosque to be built at Tampines North

Koran Resmi Hizbut Tahrir Ar-Raya Kembali Terbit

Koran Resmi Hizbut Tahrir Ar-Raya Kembali Terbit

Muslim community rejects the State’s criminalisation of Islam and condemns moves to silence legitimate critique and dissent

Muslim community rejects the State’s criminalisation of Islam and condemns moves to silence legitimate critique and dissent

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Kaum Muslim Tidak Mengalami Kemunduran Maupun Kehilangan Kemuliaan Kecuali Setelah Keruntuhan Negara Mereka: Khilafah Islam

Kaum Muslim Tidak Mengalami Kemunduran Maupun Kehilangan Kemuliaan Kecuali Setelah Keruntuhan Negara Mereka: Khilafah Islam

Yemen Popular Committees Differ in Agency but Agree on Arresting Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir

Vic Alhadeff and the Charge of Anti-Semitism: Crocodile Tears from the Champion of Jewish Brutality

Vic Alhadeff and the Charge of Anti-Semitism: Crocodile Tears from the Champion of Jewish Brutality

Are Women Appreciated in Gender Equality?

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Extremism in Britain: Now the crackdown is launched

Extremism in Britain: Now the crackdown is launched

Democracy is the Slave of the Powerful and the Capitalists

Democracy is the Slave of the Powerful and the Capitalists

The Peace Process in Afghanistan is Political Suicide!

The Peace Process in Afghanistan is Political Suicide!

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

International Women's Day 2015: Marking Over a Century of Feminism's Failure to Deliver for Women

International Women's Day 2015: Marking Over a Century of Feminism's Failure to Deliver for Women

Q&A: Repercussions of the Greek Crisis

Q&A: Repercussions of the Greek Crisis

Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Women Under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths Women and Their Economic Rights – Part 2

Women Under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths Women and Their Economic Rights – Part 2

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

O Muslims Uphold Your Deen and Remain Steadfast On It

O Muslims Uphold Your Deen and Remain Steadfast On It

Obituary of a Da'wah Carrier

Obituary of a Da'wah Carrier

New PREVENT laws will spread Islam to all corners of the UK

New PREVENT laws will spread Islam to all corners of the UK

Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir's Opening speech to the Khilafah Conference held in Istanbul

Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir's Opening speech to the Khilafah Conference held in Istanbul

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir's Speech on the resumption of Al-Raya Newspaper

Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir's Speech on the resumption of Al-Raya Newspaper

Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Turkey held a Khilafah Conference on the Anniversary of Khilafah's Abolition in Istanbul

Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Turkey held a Khilafah Conference on the Anniversary of Khilafah's Abolition in Istanbul

Muslims Have Not Declined nor Lost Their Glory Except After the Destruction of their State: The Islamic Khilafah State

Muslims Have Not Declined nor Lost Their Glory Except After the Destruction of their State: The Islamic Khilafah State

In Response to the Television Program in India titled: "Hizb ut Tahrir- a New Name for Terrorism"

In Response to the Television Program in India titled: "Hizb ut Tahrir- a New Name for Terrorism"

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Kaum Barat Liberal Derita Syariat Phobia dan Rabun Kronis Terhadap Penerapan Syariat Islam

Kaum Barat Liberal Derita Syariat Phobia dan Rabun Kronis Terhadap Penerapan Syariat Islam

Rescue Yourselves O People of Yemen before it's too late for Regrets

Rescue Yourselves O People of Yemen before it's too late for Regrets

Rescue Yourselves O People of Yemen before it's too late for Regrets

Rescue Yourselves O People of Yemen before it's too late for Regrets

Large Armies March to Transport Remains of the Dead, But the Living Have No Savior

Large Armies March to Transport Remains of the Dead, But the Living Have No Savior

Women under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths - Introduction

Women under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths - Introduction

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Desa Seratas Natuna Masih Terisolasi, Akses Komunikasipun Belum Ada

Desa Seratas Natuna Masih Terisolasi, Akses Komunikasipun Belum Ada

Syeikh Issam Amiroh: Inilah  Akibat Ketiadaan Khilafah

Syeikh Issam Amiroh: Inilah  Akibat Ketiadaan Khilafah

Sebab Keruntuhan Khilafah dan Upaya Menegakkan Kembali Khilafah

Sebab Keruntuhan Khilafah dan Upaya Menegakkan Kembali Khilafah

Upaya Barat Menghalangi Pendirian Kembali Khilafah

Upaya Barat Menghalangi Pendirian Kembali Khilafah

China forces imams to dance in the street

China forces imams to dance in the street

91 Years since the Destruction of the Khilafah

91 Years since the Destruction of the Khilafah

Indonesia Vice-President Kalla shoots down complaints about haze

Indonesia Vice-President Kalla shoots down complaints about haze

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Proposal to Ban Hizb ut Tahrir – A Sign of Ideological Bankruptcy

Proposal to Ban Hizb ut Tahrir – A Sign of Ideological Bankruptcy

Khilafah Conference in Istanbul: Tuesday 3 March 2015

Khilafah Conference in Istanbul: Tuesday 3 March 2015

Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Seruan Untuk Umat Islam di Rusia

Seruan Untuk Umat Islam di Rusia

A Letter from France

A Letter from France

Obituary of a Da'wah Carrier in Jordan: Jameel Kamal Al-Kittani

Obituary of a Da'wah Carrier in Jordan: Jameel Kamal Al-Kittani

Minggu, 01 Maret 2015

Political Conspiracy or Not, Justice is Not Served in the Case of Anwar Ibrahim

Political Conspiracy or Not, Justice is Not Served in the Case of Anwar Ibrahim